Budget & Tax Testimony to the Georgia House of Representatives Welfare Fraud Study Committee In this testimony before the Georgia House Study Committee on Welfare Fraud, Logan Pike, a state government relations manager at The Heartland Institute, discusses welfare reform in Georgia. Pike presents The Heartland Institute’s recent 2015 Welfare Report Card, along with an overview of Georgia’s grades and possible steps the state can take to reform its welfare system. Read more
Education School Choice Weekly #109: Lies, Damned Lies, and Common Core Joy Pullmann, research fellow on education policy at The Heartland Institute, comments on a New York Times report that states are labeling the same test scores in wildly varying ways despite using the same Common Core tests. For example, despite using the same tests, what counts as proficient in Ohio does not count as proficient in Massachusetts. Pullmann writes, “after billions of dollars spent, hundreds of thousands of classrooms disrupted, and millions of children affected, we have not solved the problem that provided one of the central justifications for Common Core in the first place.” Read more
Energy & Environment What Scientists Really Think About Global Warming Robert M. Carter, Ph.D., writes that when it comes to global warming, the majority of scientists espouse views representing a balanced summary of the available scientific information. Carter believes such views neither inflate nor underestimate the risk of human-caused change, properly account for the severe risks of natural climate events as part of the planet’s myriad natural hazards, and that our climate defense strategy should be to prepare for and adapt to disasters when and if they occur. Read more
Health Care Florida Legal Battle Reveals Danger of CON Programs In this edition of the Consumer Power Report, Justin Haskins, Heartland’s editor, examines certificate of need (CON) laws and a recent legal battle between hospitals in Florida that has brought the state’s CON laws into the spotlight and has helped illustrate why these onerous government mandates should be rejected in favor of reasonable, free-market reforms that encourage competition and reject corporate favoritism. Read more
Telecom Free-Market Groups Call on Congress to Reaffirm ‘Internet Independence’ In this Heartlander article, Rudy Takala, reporting for theWashington Examiner, says a new coalition of free-market organizations has been created, the Declaration of Internet Independence (DII). DII’s goal is to convince Congress to reclaim regulatory powers assumed by the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) in early 2015. “In February, FCC claimed new oversight powers over the operation of the nation’s Internet networks, using Title II of the Communications Act of 1934 to justify new rules for regulating how Internet service providers (ISPs) may manage and operate the infrastructure they built.”Read more
From Our Free Market Friends Michigan Welfare Recipients Declines 70 Percent According to an article by Michigan Capitol Confidential, a division of Mackinac Center for Public Policy, the number of people receiving welfare cash assistance from the state has decreased 70 percent over the past five years. In 2011, 227,490 people were receiving cash assistance benefits from the state. That number has decreased to 64,492 in 2015. In The Heartland Institute’s 2015 Welfare Reform Report Card, Michigan receives an A grade and ranks 6th for its anti-poverty policies. Read more