Climate Scientist Christy Presents Data Showing No Crisis

Published June 28, 2013

Climate Change Weekly #96

Climate scientist John Christy presented a series of charts and data at a global warming conference showing warming is proceeding at a modest pace and not causing significant harm. Christy, a climate scientist at the University of Alabama at Huntsville who oversees NASA’s satellite instruments measuring global temperatures, presented records debunking many of the most frequently asserted global warming myths.

In his first chart, Christy presented National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) data documenting a long-term decline in powerful tornadoes. Data during the past 50 years show tornado activity peaked in the early 1970s and has been in gradual decline for the past 40 years.

In his second chart, Christy presented tropical storm data since 1970 showing a gradual decline in tropical storm and hurricane activity.

In his third chart, Christy presented Northern Hemisphere snow cover data showing no trend in snow cover for the past 45 years.

Next, Christy presented NOAA data since the late 1800s showing no trends in drought or extreme wetness.

Christy then presented U.S. Historical Climatology Network data showing no recent increase in the frequency of record-high temperatures. The data showed more high temperature records were set between 1900 and 1955 than between 1955 and 2013.

Christy then presented satellite temperature readings showing climate models referenced by the United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change predicted far more warming during the past 20 years than occurred in the real world.

Finally, Christy presented data showing a 50 percent cut in U.S. carbon dioxide emissions would reduce global temperatures by merely 0.07 degrees Celsius by 2050 and little more reductions after that. An 80 percent reduction in U.S. emissions would not accomplish much more than a 50 percent reduction, Christy showed.

“We are not evil people for emitting CO2, we are good people because we recognize the direct and powerful benefits to human life that carbon-based energy supplies,” Christy summarized.

SOURCES: Power Line and


Chinese Academy of Sciences translates NIPCC report … Obama announces climate plan, sics EPA on coal power plants … Real-world data contradict Maryland sea level prediction … Snow cover defies alarmist predictions … Borenstein tweet reveals climate ignorance


Climate Change Reconsidered, a two-volume report from the Nongovernmental International Panel on Climate Change (NIPCC) originally published by The Heartland Institute in 2009 and 2011, was translated into Chinese by a translation group organized by the Information Center for Global Change Studies, a working group of the Scientific Information Center for Resources and Environment of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, and published in May 2013 by China Science Publishing & Media Ltd. (Science Press).

A workshop on climate change issues was held in Beijing on June 15, 2013, at which four of the NIPCC authors presented their findings to members of the Chinese climate science community. The workshop was followed by a conference featuring the NIPCC’s work hosted by universities in Beijing.

A complete copy of the Chinese translation is available on The Heartland Institute Web site.

SOURCE: The Heartland Institute


Comparing global warming skeptics to members of the “Flat-Earth Society,” President Barack Obama announced a series of measures to restrict carbon dioxide emissions. Most significantly, Obama directed the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency to draw up regulations restricting carbon dioxide emissions from power plants. The regulations will likely make it impossible to build coal power plants and extremely costly to continue operating existing coal power plants. Democratic U.S. Senator Joe Manchin (WV) turned the tables on Obama, comparing Obama to members of the Flat Earth Society for his ongoing vilification of affordable coal power.

SOURCE: Washington Times


The University of Maryland Center for Environmental Science claims the city of Annapolis should prepare for two feet of sea level rise by 2050, but real-world data show such a prediction is highly unlikely. Presenting National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) sea level data, meteorologist Anthony Watts shows sea level in Annapolis rose at a pace of 1.13 feet per century since the early twentieth century. The pace of sea level rise is not accerlerating.

SOURCE: Watts Up With That?


Northern Hemisphere snow cover extent has been gradually rising during the past 40 years, and 2010 snow cover was the most extensive since comprehensive snow data records began in 1967, science writer Steve Goreham reports. “What makes otherwise sensible people fear that snow is disappearing when snowfall is actually increasing? It’s the ideology of Climatism, the belief that man-made greenhouse gases are destroying Earth’s climate,” explained Goreham.

SOURCE: Washington Times


Associated Press reporter and global warming alarmist Seth Borenstein revealed his ignorance on climate issues this week when he described normal temperature readings as “jet stream weirding.” Borenstein tweeted on June 26, “At this moment Helsinki at 5 pm is 84 dF same as miami at 10 am while Washington is 81. Another example of jet stream weirding.” Meteorologist Anthony Watts tweeted back, and presented a link to supporting data, that the temperatures noted by Borenstein are normal for each city.”

SOURCE: Watts Up With That?