Ann Bridges
Settling in San Jose, she embarked on a challenging career spanning operations, finance, and marketing executive positions in the exploding convergence of the technology, communications, and entertainment industries.
A published author of both acclaimed fiction and non-fiction with a style that appeals to both genders, her debut Silicon Valley novel Private Offerings was named in Top 10 Best Business Books of 2015; its sequel, Rare Mettle, has proven its relevancy as a lead-in to her most recent non-fiction book Groundbreaking! America’s New Quest for Mineral Independence, co-authored with respected geologist Dr. Ned Mamula. A new series of Daring California novels begins with another mining and freedom theme with National Pen Women’s Award winning, Kit’s Mine, designed as a sweeping pioneer romance to attract more women to the significance of gold rushes then and now.
Ann Bridges is a featured speaker at leading business conferences and universities, talking about the impact of technology worldwide and the emerging role of China. She is also a frequent guest on nationally syndicated radio shows sharing insights on today’s Silicon Valley and the issues affecting consumers, investors, and writers. A fervent believer in mentoring the next generation, she has recently joined ranks with creative organization Taliesin Nexus and think-tank Heartland Institute to promote freedom of ideas and marketplaces.
Ann Bridges Contributions

- Government & Liberty

- Government & Politics
- Government & Liberty
- Economy
- Government Spending