Clifford Thies

Professor of Economics and Finance, Shenandoah University

Professor Thies is also a policy advisor to The Heartland Institute. His institutional affiliation solely for identification.

He is a contributor to six books and author or coauthor of more than six dozen articles in such scholarly journals as The Independent Review; Eastern Economic Journal; Explorations in Economic History, Southern Economic Journal; Review of Quantitative Finance and Accounting; Journal of Economic History; Review of Austrian Economics; Journal of Economics and Business; Financial Review; Journal of Real Estate Finance and Economics; Small Business Economics; and Journal of Money, Credit and Banking.

Clifford Thies Contributions

June 16, 2024
  • Government & Politics
  • Government & Liberty
  • Socialism
Mann v Steyn
February 5, 2024
  • Environment & Energy
January 3, 2024
  • Government & Politics
nuclear bomb explosion
October 10, 2023
  • Government & Liberty