David Gortler

Pharm.D., FCCP

David Gortler, Pharm.D., FCCP was an FDA science and FDA science policy advisor and educator who gave, science- and evidence-based, instruction and policy advice to The Heartland Institute healthcare group on drug safety, using existing regulations to speed up the FDA drug testing and approval process and freedom to choose medicine.

Among other public health initiatives, Dr. Gortler advocated for remaking a more efficient, scientifically transparent, state-of-the-art FDA including 1) eliminating or reducing FDA-mandated animal testing utilizing OOC and other technologies, 2) bringing pharmaceutical manufacturing back to the USA so it could be monitored for quality control and 3) utilizing America’s pharmacies in playing larger role in treating America’s mounting opioid epidemic.   

Supplemental Links:

David Gortler cv on Leadership Connect

David Gortler editorial bio on JDRAD

David Gortler aggregate publication profile on Muckrack

David Gortler on google scholar

David Gortler Scientific American

David Gortler WIRED FDA op-ed

David Gortler Boston Globe FDA op-ed

David Gortler Bloomberg News FDA op-ed

David Gortler Federalist


David Gortler Contributions