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John Dale Dunn
Physician, Attorney, and Policy Advisor to The Heartland Institute
John Dale Dunn, M.D., J.D., is an emergency physician in Brownwood, Texas. He is board-certified in emergency medicine and legal medicine and has been an inactive attorney for 35 years. He has conducted research, scholarship, and advocacy on environmental science and policy issues for 25 years. Areas of professional and scholarly interest include human toxicology and epidemiology, scientific legal evidentiary issues, ethics, and research methodology. Dunn has made presentations at several International Conferences on Climate Change, is a contributor to Heartland publications, and actively blogs at JunkScience.com.
John Dale Dunn Contributions

October 8, 2018
- Climate Change
- Environment & Energy
October 13, 2017
- Health Care

June 22, 2017
- Taxes
- Government & Liberty
- Health Care
- Economy
- Alcohol & Tobacco

March 1, 2017
- Government & Politics
- Government & Liberty

February 1, 2017
- Health Care