2010 June Health Care News (full text PDF)

Published June 1, 2010

The June issue of Health Care News offers insights into several provisions of the recently passed federal health care overhaul, highlighting on page 1 the major changes America’s businesses are facing in their health insurance programs, both for the currently employed and for retirees.

Also in this issue:

* As quickly — but much more quietly — as he called it, Rep. Henry Waxman (D-CA), the powerful chairman of the House Energy and Commerce Committee, cancelled a hearing demanding several prominent U.S. CEOs appear in defense of their companies’ announcements the legislation could hurt their bottom line.

* Benefits of the new health care overhaul don’t go into effect for several years, but some negative effects could hit consumers this year.

* The highly popular Healthy Indiana plan may not pass muster with federal regulators under the new requirements.

* Obamacare is expected to hasten the demise of doctor-owned medical practices and force increased unionization of doctors.

* Fraud in Pennsylvania’s Medicaid program may have cost taxpayers more than $1 billion over the past four years—more than three times what the state had previously reported.

* President Barack Obama is using the purse strings to achieve social policy change—an effort the Left may regret if the GOP returns to federal power.

* Evidence from Massachusetts shows Americans will game the new individual insurance mandates and drive the budget deficit even higher.