The March 2010 issue of Environment & Climates News reports that the release of emails and scientific documents from the Climatic Research Unit of the University of East Anglia in Britain has triggered a cascade of revelations that could spell the end of what some critics are calling the “great global warming delusion.” The United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change has been caught grossly misrepresenting the status of Himalayan glaciers, falsely asserting in its most recent report.
Also in this issue:
* The U.S. Supreme Court has refused to grant a temporary injunction requiring Illinois to close locks that might allow ravenous Asian carp to invade the Great Lakes from the Chicago River.
* The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency plans to deny several Utah urban areas certification under the Clean Air Act, claiming, among other things, the state has failed to deal adequately with natural dust storms.
* Wabaunsee County, Kansas, acted reasonably in determining aesthetics and ecological concerns justified banning commercial wind farms, the Kansas Supreme Court has ruled. The court is still considering arguments that the ban violated interstate commerce protections and requires property owner compensation.
* Farm Bureau delegates spoke with a single voice at their annual convention January 12, as all 369 in attendance voted for a resolution opposing congressional cap-and-trade legislation.
* Two new studies conclude that cold temperatures kill more people than heat, contradicting the public health justification EPA offers for regulating carbon dioxide to slow global warming.