2013 Shattering Records for Fewest Tornadoes

Published October 18, 2013

Climate Change Weekly #106

Fewer tornadoes have occurred in 2013 than in any other year in recorded history, the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration reports.

Through October 16, there have been barely half as many tornadoes as average, and 110 fewer tornadoes than the prior record low.

Very few tornadoes occur during late fall and winter, so it is unlikely a sufficient number of tornadoes will occur by the end of the year to avoid a full-year record.

Despite this real-world evidence, don’t expect alarmist “scientists” and liberal politicians to stop saying global warming causes tornadoes.

Last month, federal government scientist Kevin Trenberth told USA Today, “The prospect is worrying, with the increases in severe thunderstorms and the risk of large-scale environments that favor tornadoes having the potential for major impacts in the U.S.”

Earlier this year, U.S. Sen. Barbara Boxer (D-CA) said, “This is climate change. We were warned about extreme weather. Not just hot weather. But extreme weather. When I had my hearings, when I had the gavel years ago – it’s been a while – the scientists all agreed that what we’d start to see was extreme weather. … You’re gonna have terrible storms. You’re going to have tornados and all the rest.”

SOURCE: National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration


Yes, warming benefits human welfare … U.S. on pace for quietest hurricane decade ever … 2013 wildfires third lowest in history … Government scientists caught doctoring sea-level record … Skeptical scientists outperform IPCC temperature forecasts


Global warming has benefited human welfare ever since the end of the Little Ice Age and will continue to do so for many more decades at the very least, according to a newly published article in the U.K. journal The Spectator. Article author Matt Ridley highlights Sussex University (UK) professor Richard Tol’s findings that the post-Little Ice Age warming of the past 150 years has substantially improved human welfare. Tol calculates the benefits of warming temperatures will outweigh the costs for at least the next 2.2 degrees Celsius of additional global warming.

SOURCE: The Spectator


No hurricanes struck the United States during the 2013 hurricane season, continuing what is turning into a record decade for lack of hurricanes. Unless an unexpected hurricane forms and strikes the United States very late this hurricane season, this year’s lack of hurricane strikes will be the second such hurricane-free year during the past four years. Only three hurricanes have struck the United States during the 2010s. The least number of United States hurricane strikes in a full decade occurred during the 1970s, when 12 hurricanes struck the United States. During the second quietest decade in United States history, 14 hurricanes struck the United States. Four years into the 2010s, the United States is on pace for merely seven hurricane strikes this decade.

SOURCE: Stormfax


The 2013 U.S. wildfire season will go into the record books as one of the quietest in recorded history. According to the National Interagency Fire Center, less than 40,000 acres burned this year, the least amount of acreage burned since 1984 and the third least since records began in 1960. At least 100,000 acres burned every year from 1962 through 1982, while less than 100,000 acres burned every year after 1982.

SOURCES: National Interagency Fire Center Daily Statistics and National Interagency Fire Center Total Wildland Fires and Fire Acres


Scientists at the University of Colorado Sea Level Research Group doctored the sea-level record to turn a lack of sea-level rise during the past eight years into an asserted rapid acceleration of sea-level rise. Science writer Steven Goddard presented a side-by-side comparison of sea-level charts before and after the government scientists doctored the data earlier this year. The government scientists claim receding glacial ice is allowing land masses to rise relative to sea level by 0.3 millimeters per year. Claiming this reduction in sea level should not count in official sea-level measurements, even though the sea level declines are occurring in the real world, the government scientists are adding a fictitious 0.3 millimeters of sea-level rise to recent sea-level measurements, accounting for all of the alleged sea level rise since 2005.

SOURCES: Real Science and The Heartland Institute


Scientists Kesten Green, Scott Armstrong, and Willie Soon produced a peer-reviewed, long-term temperature forecast that is proving more accurate than United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change scenarios. The scientists in 2009 predicted no trend in global temperatures, which has proven accurate since the scientists published the prediction. IPCC scenarios, meanwhile, envisioned substantial global warming that has yet to materialize.

SOURCE: Watts Up With That?