The Illinois Chamber of Commerce
and Illinois Civil Justice League Invite You to:
A Town Hall Discussion on Illinois’ Legal Crisis
Join Senator Frank Watson and other local leaders at a June 8th town hall meeting on the crisis in Illinois courts.
A recent Harris survey ranks Illinois one of the worst states in the country for lawsuit abuse. In Madison County alone, class action filings have increased 5000% since 1998.
This crisis is forcing doctors to flee the state–and hospitals to cut back on services. Businesses are also afraid to bring jobs to Illinois because of the legal climate.
We need change–now. Help fight frivolous lawsuits and clean-up Illinois courts.
What: A Town Hall Discussion
When: Tuesday, June 8, 2004 at 7:00 p.m.
Who: Senator Frank Watson and other local leaders
Where: Holiday Inn Collinsville–St. Clair Room, Collinsville, IL
For more information visit or