Call it the televised debate Al Gore has been avoiding for years. Tonight, as Gore hosts another 24-hour televised snooze-fest, meteorologist Anthony Watts launches WUWT-TV (Watt’s Up With That TV). At the same time Gore drones on and on with character assassinations, straw man arguments and out-of-context weather anecdotes, more than two dozen global warming experts will join Watts discussing the science Al Gore hopes we will overlook.
After Gore’s “24 Hours of Climate Reality” last year, Watts demonstrated how Gore faked a “simple experiment” purporting to show how global warming works. Others pointed out many additional scientific flaws in Gore’s show. This year, the scientifically curious will not have to wait for Gore’s show to end before watching some real science. We will have it available in real time.
During the 24-hour live event tonight and Thursday, WUWT-TV will conduct live video interviews via Skype online video and will allow global warming experts to present HD PowerPoint presentations to illustrate their points.
Go to Anthony Watts’ “Watts Up With That?” Web site tonight at 8:00 pm Eastern Time and see the science Al Gore wants us to overlook.