The wasteful and dangerous Roadless Area Conservation Rule created by former President Clinton has been frozen by President George W. Bush for an additional 60 days, until May 13, 2001.
The news of Bush’s action came from Carla Boucher, one of the nation’s premier authorities on the Roadless Rule and its dangerous effects on forest health, local economies, and public access. “This 60-day postponement on the effective date of the final rule is a great sign that President Bush has the uncanny ability to balance forest health issues with the principles of democracy and fair play that have made America the great country that it is,” stated Boucher, author of the Public Land Owner’s Manual.
Bush has requested that implementation of all regulations (rules) that have been published in the Federal Register but have not yet taken effect be temporarily postponed for 60 days. Boucher, attorney and legislative advocate for United Four Wheel Drive Associations, said the delay is intended to give department and agency heads appointed by President Bush the opportunity to review and approve regulatory actions taken at the close of the Clinton administration’s term.
“United has been concerned throughout the rulemaking by the fact that it has cost Americans over $9 million to develop a rule that will place over 90,000 additional acres at risk of catastrophic wildfire, untold loss of species and habitat, and cost an additional $52.4 million in fire suppression efforts, all in the name of alleged ‘conservation’–with friends like that, what species needs enemies”, lamented Boucher from her law office in Chesapeake, Virginia.
“United is dedicated to the conservation of public and private lands for the further use and enjoyment of others, and this 60-day freeze on the Roadless Rule is good news for forest health and conservation.”
For more information . . .
United Four Wheel Drive Associations is an international organization of four wheel drive enthusiasts dedicated to the conservation and utilization of public lands. Carla Boucher can be contacted at P.O. Box 15696, Chesapeake, VA 23328, 757/482-4474, email [email protected]. Or visit the associations’ Web site at