(Chicago, IL — July 18, 2006) Lisa Snell, director of education and child welfare at Reason Foundation, a San Francisco, California-based think tank, will speak in Chicago on Thursday, July 27, at a luncheon hosted by the Illinois School Choice Initiative.
The luncheon will take place from 12:00 noon to 1:30 p.m. in the Michigan Room of The Metropolitan Club, 233 South Wacker Drive (Sears Tower). Registration begins at 11:30 a.m. Advance tickets for the luncheon are $35; tickets are $40 at the door. Complimentary tickets are available for elected officials, educators and school administrators.
Snell, who has testified before the California State Legislature and numerous government agencies, has authored and coauthored over a dozen policy studies on school violence, charter schools, and child advocacy centers. Snell traveled California educating voters about the pitfalls of the universal preschool measure. After winning the battle against all odds in California, Snell is moving to new battlegrounds in Illinois and Wisconsin, where she is already scheduled to testify.
The luncheon is part of the 2006 Educational Choice Speaker Series hosted by the Illinois School Choice Initiative, a project of The Heartland Institute, a 22-year-old nonprofit research and education organization based in Chicago. The mission of the initiative is to lay the groundwork for a successful school choice campaign in Illinois. For more information, please contact ISCI Executive Director Phylicia Lyons at 312/377-4000, email [email protected]. Or visit http://www.heartland.org/iscijuly06.cfm
Print and broadcast journalists: Lisa Snell will be available for media interviews. To make arrangements, please contact Michael Van Winkle at 312/377-4000, email [email protected].