Earth Day coverage dominated the CBS Evening News on April 22, as one might expect. A glowing report on the March for Science opened the show, and there were three other stories about climate change. What distinguished tonight’s CBS Evening News from every other edition ever aired was the inclusion of a perspective from “climate realists.” The climate realist featured in the report was Heartland Institute President Joseph Bast. And yes. Joe does actually type that fast. He wasn’t faking it for the B-roll.
The perspective of the journalist from Chicago’s CBS affiliate, Dean Reynolds, is that of an alarmist — and one not all that informed on the science of climate change. At the bottom of this post is Joe Bast’s raw, hour-long interview with Dean Reynolds of CBS News, conducted on April 3, 2017. I apologize for the weird camera angle, but that’s where CBS set it up. You can judge for yourself how fair the report was. The interview was pretty revealing.
For more information on why Heartland, Joe Bast, and many scientists are climate realists, visit the Climate Change Reconsidered site (NIPCC), which contains more than 4,000 pages of peer-reviewed literature that shows humans are not causing a climate crisis. You can also see all the presentations by scientists who do not think humans are causing a climate crisis at the archive page for Heartland’s 12 International Conferences on Climate Change. We also recommend you visit Heartland’s Arthur B. Robinson Center on Climate and Environmental Policy, our Action plan for President Trump, and our page that outlines why Trump should reject the Paris Climate Treaty — including coverage of Heartland’s trip to Paris for COP-21 in December 2015. While you’re at it, subscribe to Heartland’s Climate Change Weekly email, and listen to Heartland’s podcasts on iTunes.
So, yeah. When the CBS Evening News was looking for the leading authority on climate realism, they came to the right place.