Review of Scared Witless: Prophets and Profits of Climate Doom, by Larry Bell (Mt. Vernon, Washington: Stairway Press), 254 pp., ISBN-978-1-942071-21-2 1, ISBN-978-1-941071-22-9; $22.95
I met Larry Bell shortly after reviewing his 2008 book Climate of Corruption: Politics and Power Behind The Global Warming Hoax.
That book was inspired by his friendship with renowned climate scientist Fred Singer, to whom this new book is dedicated.
His first book led to his becoming a columnist for Forbes and Newsmax. Over 300 columns later, he has become, in my opinion, one of the most astute analysts of what goes on in our world of perpetual environmental terrorism— a creation perpetrated by our government with the support of environmental zealot groups whose vast income is derived from this very terror.
New Book, Not Old Columns
Over the years, a number of us have implored Bell to consolidate his best columns into a book for posterity. He has refused, and this new book makes it obvious why. He could not, as the preface states, create a “patchwork of old articles.” He knew he would have to start from scratch, and he finally did so. Using his vast storehouse of knowledge gained from years of weekly columns, Bell provides fresh insights into understanding the fix we are in, how we got here, and at whose hands.
If you care about our environment, our government, our children, our future, and society in general, you must read this amazing book. There are many outstanding books describing the damage done by environmental zealotry, but none takes you down the destructive path we are following in as chronological and precise a fashion as Scared Witless.
Bell’s 227 pages flow similar to a conversation. With laser-like precision, Scared Witless‘ 18 chapters deal with topics such as the fraudulent climate consensus, the political destruction of science, the climate religion, melting glaciers, coral reef health, biodiversity fraud, green energy madness, green fascism, carbon taxes, and the United Nations’ plan for America.
Follow the Money
The book includes information I was unaware of even after 45 years of studying the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). For example, Bell cites U.S. Government Accounting Office reports showing between 2003 and 2010 the federal government spent $106.7 billion on climate issues, not including the $79 billion spent for climate change technology research, tax breaks for green energy, and foreign aid to address other countries’ climate problems.
“[F]ederal government regulatory operations cost $54 billion a year, bigger than the combined expenditures of McDonalds, Ford, Disney and Boeing,” Bell wrote. “Those many billions fund government agencies dependent upon public fear for continued growth, university departments forsaking objectivity to secure research grants, environmental activist groups relying on crisis-premised donations to support lobbying and media programs, alternative-energy lobbies seeking special subsidies, and a wide range of politicians, prophets, and profiteers who are cashing in on save-the-world hype.”
Until you read chapter 15, titled “Green Fascism,” it may be hard to imagine the full extent of the collusion going on between EPA, the Sierra Club, the American Lung Association, Environmental Defense, and a host of other groups that receive grants from EPA and then sue that government agency, only to settle later per a prearranged plan. Personnel move from EPA to those groups and back again through the revolving door.
Many of these groups are being funded secretly by a billionaires’ club described in a Senate Committee on Environment and Public Works Minority Staff Report, released before the 2014 election.
As reported by Bell in his book, the report reads in part, “While it is uncertain why they operate in the shadows and what they are hiding, what is clear is that these individuals and foundations go to tremendous lengths to avoid public association with the far left environmental movement they so generously fund.”
Scared Witless provides virtually unlimited ammunition for climate and energy realists, including free-market organizations such as The Heartland Institute, which publishes Environment & Climate News, in the battle to promote sound science and economics.
Jay Lehr, Ph.D. ([email protected]) is science director of The Heartland Institute.