Joseph Perkins is a nationally syndicated opinion writer for the San Diego Union-Tribune. His column appears in more than 200 newspapers nationwide with a total circulation of more than seven million. He is a frequent guest on network news programs and is a contributor to MSNBC. He previously served as deputy assistant for domestic policy to Vice President Dan Quayle and was an editorial writer for the Wall Street Journal. Perkins has authored two collections of columns, Right Like Me and the forthcoming Right Man’s Burden.
- When: Noon to 1:30 p.m. on Tuesday, August 10, 2004
- Where: Maggiano’s Little Italy, 516 North Clark, Chicago, Illinois
- What: Joseph Perkins will talk over lunch about his new book, Right Man’s Burden, and the challenge of being a conservative black in America today. He will be introduced by Lee H. Walker.
- Admission: $30 for Members of The New Coalition and The Heartland Institute; $36 others.
To register, click here to download a registration form or call Latonya Harris at 312/377-4000.
About The New Coalition
The New Coalition for Economic and Social Change, the host of this luncheon event, is a nonprofit educational organization devoted to introducing people of color to conservative, moderate, and libertarian ideas on public policy by finding effective spokespersons for those ideas and developing and providing forums for discussion of the major public policy issues of the day.
The New Coalition needs your help! We need you to attend our events and introduce us to your friends, coworkers, and family. We need you to write for News & Views, our quarterly newsletter, and recommend us to others who can write and speak on our behalf. And, of course, we need your financial support: Memberships start at just $19. Contributions made payable to The Heartland Institute (write “New Coalition” on the memo line) are tax deductible under Section 501(c)3 of the Internal Revenue Code.
For more information, please contact Lee Walker, president of The New Coalition, by calling 312/377-4000, or write to The New Coalition, 19 South LaSalle Street #903, Chicago, IL 60603, or send email to [email protected].