The Detroit News’ excellent editorial on Nevada Sen. Harry Reid’s eagerness to repay the labor unions that saved his political skin on Nov. 2 by destroying the ability of local governments to negotiate with their workers on a level playing field shows the corruption inherent not just in politics but in government itself (“Union payback,” Nov. 24).
The essence of government is force. The essential aim of people who run government is to use that force in ways that keep them in power.
Hence bills like Reid’s, which aims to use the force of the federal government to trample the ability of local government officials to protect local citizens in ways that might irritate local government workers, whose union dues helped keep Reid in power.
People complain about the ever-growing amount of money in politics. The reason for the ever-increasing amount of money is the ever-increasing size and power of government.
The only way to reduce the amount of money in politics — the only way to reduce the amount of corruption in government — is to reduce the amount of government.
Until we citizens send loud and repeated messages that we desire more freedom and less government, Sen. Reid and his ilk will continue to use the force of government to reward their friends, punish their enemies and put fear into the rest of us.
Steve Stanek, research fellow, The Heartland Institute, Chicago