In America:
- One in four schools is a private school.
- One child in nine attends a private school.
- Private schools produce an annual savings to taxpayers estimated at more than $48,000,000,000.
- Private school students perform better than their public school counterparts on standardized achievement tests.
- Ninety percent of private high school graduates attend college, compared to 66 percent of public high school graduates.
- Private school students from low socioeconomic backgrounds are more than three times more likely than comparable public school students to attain a bachelor’s degree by their mid-twenties, meaning private schools help break the cycle of poverty for their students.
- Private schools are racially, ethnically, and economically diverse. Twenty-three percent of private school students are students of color; 28 percent are from families with annual incomes under $50,000.
- Private secondary school students are nearly 50 percent more likely to take Advanced Placement or International Baccalaureate courses in science and math than public school students.
- The participation of private school students in community service projects is significantly higher than among their public school counterparts.
Source: Council for American Private Education’s new brochure on private education.