Global warming may have prevented several deadly weather disasters from striking the United States during the past year, according to an analysis by climate scientist Chip Knappenberger.
“For every billion-dollar weather disaster identified as being ‘consistent with’ human-caused global warming, there are probably several other potential billion-dollar weather disasters that human-caused global warming averted,” Knappenberger observed in his analysis.
Knappenberger documented several minor weather events that could have developed into catastrophic events but remained relatively minor. Taking global warming alarmists at their word that all weather events must be viewed with the effects of global warming in mind, Knappenberger explained how global warming may have prevented many weather disasters during the past year.
Knappenberger listed four tropical storm systems that had the potential to become major hurricanes but failed to do so. Global and U.S. hurricane activity is in a long-term decline as wind shear associated with warming temperatures increasingly prevents tropical storm systems from developing into major hurricanes.
Global warming also may have prevented devastating snowstorms, cold spells, and tornado outbreaks in the United States during the past year, Knappenberger reported.
“Isn’t it about time we start hearing about these?! If it is good enough for the goose to link global warming to weather disasters, it should be good enough for the gander to link global warming to weather disasters averted,” Knappenberger explained.
James M. Taylor ([email protected]) is managing editor of Environment & Climate News.
Internet Info:
Knappenberger, C., “Global Savings: Billion-Dollar Weather Events Averted by Global Warming,” Master Resource, June 21, 2013,