With respect to the implications of their several findings, Jaafar et al. say they point to “the possible improvement of [the] health-promoting quality of Malaysian L. pumila under high CO2 enrichment conditions, as atmospheric CO2 enrichment increased the quantity of several phenolic and flavonoid compounds between 100 and 1100 percent.”… Read More
A Global Analysis of Historical Tropical Cyclone Landfalls (18 December 2012)
Does it support the climate-alarmist contention that they are increasing in frequency and/or intensity in response to global warming? In a word, NO!… Read More
The Responses of Pinus taeda Seedlings to Elevated CO2 and Temperature at Both Cool and Warm Sites (18 December 2012)
What do they suggest about the trees’ ability to survive in a future climate such as that which is envisioned by the world’s climate alarmists?… Read More
Effects of Elevated CO2 on Photosynthetic Induction in two Populus Species (18 December 2012)
Tomimatsu and Tang write their study suggests “leaf carbon gain would increase under high CO2 environments in response to light fluctuations based on the reduction in photosynthetic induction observed” in their experiment. The implications of such findings are that “the stimulation of photosynthesis under high CO2 and fluctuating light conditions may lead to increases in seedling growth and future survival in the understory,” which is a positive outcome for plants struggling to grow in darker conditions in the understory… Read More
Paleofloods of the Mediterranean French Alps (19 December 2012)
Once again, we have another example of climate-alarmist (IPCC) contentions widely missing the mark when it comes to predicting which temperature extreme – hot or cold – produces more frequent and more intense precipitation events, as well as the flooding that accompanies them… Read More
How Corals Can Overcome Ocean Acidification & Global Warming (19 December 2012)
From a strictly chemical and kinetic perspective, model projections indicate “ocean acidification combined with rising ocean temperatures should have only minimal effects on coral calcification,” which they describe as “a direct outcome” of corals’ ability to up-regulate pH at the site of calcification… Read More
Elevated CO2 Helps Barley Cope with Soil Salinity (19 December 2012)
When increasing soil salinity hurts the most, atmospheric CO2 enrichment helps the most… Read More