The Heartland Institute hosted its 11th International Conference on Climate Change (ICCC-11) from December 12–13 in Essen, Germany.
ICCC-11 was held shortly after The Heartland Institute traveled to Paris to provide the global warming skeptics’ view of the negotiations that took place at the United Nations’ 21st Conference of the Parties (COP-21) meeting.
The two-day conference was cosponsored with the European Institute for Climate and Energy (EIKE), marking the second time Heartland and EIKE have partnered on an ICCC event. According to Wolfgang Mueller, the general secretary of EIKE, ICCC-11 was the only conference held in 2015 to include scientists skeptical of the view humans are causing dangerous climate change that was open to the public and accessible to German speakers through simultaneous interpretation.
‘Debate Not Over’
“The conference is proof that the debate is not over and the science is not settled,” Mueller said. “There is much more science out there than the alarmist media, politicians, activists, and special-interest groups pretend there is.”
Presenters at the conference consisted of international scientists and policy experts. Representing 13 countries, the presenters covered important topics such as melting glaciers, the cost of climate mitigation, tree ring temperature analyses, and many others.
James Taylor, a senior fellow and the vice president of The Heartland Institute, which publishes Environment & Climate News, spoke concerning the impact of “green” lobby groups on climate science and climate policy.
Harvard-Smithsonian’s Willie Soon, Ph.D., and Henrik Svensmark, Ph.D., of the Danish National Space Center discussed the influence of the Sun and cosmic rays on Earth’s climate cycles.
Friedrich-Karl Ewert, Ph.D., described the differences between actual measured temperatures and reported temperatures after they have been adjusted.
Former head of the weather offices in Leipzig and Essen, Klaus-Eckart Puls’ presentation demonstrated, in contrast to the projections made by scientists associated with the United Nations’ climate program, there has been no measureable increase in extreme weather events caused by global warming.
Mueller described ICCC-11, which was attended by more than 150 people, as the perfect place for scientists to meet and exchange ideas about existing and forthcoming research examining the impact humans have on the climate. Mueller also said ICCC-11 provided an opportunity for EIKE to showcase its ongoing efforts to promote sound climate science to an international audience.
“Research done by EIKE scientists gets published in peer-reviewed literature,” said Mueller. “And the findings of EIKE research neither support the claim of man-made global warming nor that is it necessary to change our energy supply.
“EIKE’s research destroys the green-socialists’ monopoly of opinion in the climate debate, so no one can claim they did not know about the vast amount of research that does not support the claim of man-made climate change,” Mueller said.
Isaac Orr ([email protected]) is a research fellow for energy and environmental policy at The Heartland Institute.