Trump talked about the need to give parents the power and financial resources to choose the school of their choice, and break the monopoly “government schools” have on public education.
The Heartland Institute — a 36-year-old conservative/libertarian think tank focused on American domestic policy — has advocated for school choice since its founding. Heartland’s latest innovation is for Child Safety Accounts (CSAs), which President Trump alluded to in his call for making sure every parent has the power to choose safe schools.
A new poll finds 54 percent of likely voters favor CSAs and 32 percent are opposed. Among income brackets, 65 percent of families making less than $50,000 favor CSAs. Meanwhile, 59 percent of Hispanic and black voters also support CSAs.
The full poll results can be found here.
The following statements from education experts at The Heartland Institute may be used for attribution. For more comments, refer to the contact information below. To book a Heartland guest on your program, please contact Media Specialist Billy Aouste at [email protected] and 312/377-4000 or (cell) 847/445-7554.
“President Trump’s support of education choice brings great hope for the students trapped in failing government schools. Legislators across the country should take note and make education opportunities universally available for every child. It is way past time to end the one-size-fits-all government monopoly over education so children have safe, effective, and personalized education opportunities.”
Lennie Jarratt
Project Manager, Education
The Heartland Institute
[email protected]
The Heartland Institute is a 36-year-old national nonprofit organization headquartered in Arlington Heights, Illinois. Its mission is to discover, develop, and promote free-market solutions to social and economic problems. For more information, visit our website or call 312/377-4000.