Heartland Institute Hosts Eighth International Conference on Climate Change in Germany

Published November 15, 2012

What: Eighth International Conference on Climate Change (ICCC-8)

Where: Hotel Bayerischer Hof, Munich, Germany

When: Friday, November 30 – Saturday, December 1, 2012

Media: Open to all media. Register here.

Contact: Jim Lakely, director of communications, The Heartland Institute: [email protected].

The Heartland Institute is partnering with the Germany-based European Institute for Climate and Energy (EIKE) to host the Eighth International Conference on Climate Change. The event is also the Fifth International Conference on Climate and Energy. This is the second time The Heartland Institute has hosted a climate conference outside the United States. The fifth International Conference on Climate Change (ICCC-5) was held in Sydney, Australia in 2010.

Dr. S. Fred Singer, Heartland senior fellow and director of the Science and Environmental Policy Project, and Heartland Senior Fellow James M. Taylor join many internationally renowned scientists for the first two-day ICCC-sponsored event in Europe.

Among the scientists presenting at ICCC-8:

  • Dr. Thomas Teluk, Globalization Institute, Poland
  • Dr. Gernot Patzelt, University of Innsbruck
  • Dr. Josef Reichholf, Committee for Ecology, Bavarian Academy of Science
  • Dr. Marcus Ernst, president, Peutinger Collegium
  • Dr. Paul Reiter, Unité “Insectes et Maladies Infectieuses” Institut Pasteur, Paris
  • Dr. Josef Reichholf, Committee for Ecology of the Bavarian Academy of Science
  • Dr. Niels Axel Mörner, Department of Paleogeophysics & Geodynamics, University of Stockholm
  • Dr. Nir Shaviv, Racah Institute of Physics, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem
  • Jacob Nordangård, Department of Thematic Studies, Technology and Social Change, Linköping University

The Heartland Institute has hosted seven previous International Conferences on Climate Change, the most recent in Chicago in May 2012. More information on those previous conferences — including videos of the presentations by some of the world’s most respected climate scientists — can be found at the ICCC Web site.

The following comments may be used for attribution. For more information, contact Heartland Institute Communications Director Jim Lakely at [email protected] or 312/377-4000. On deadline, send an email or call/text 312/731-9364.

“This conference is more proof, if any were needed, that important issues surrounding the causes, extent, and consequences of climate change remain unresolved in the scientific community,” said Heartland Institute President Joseph Bast. “We are honored to partner with the European Institute for Climate and Energy to showcase sound science and economics on the most important environmental debate of our age.”

“I am looking forward to bringing The Heartland Institute’s International Conference on Climate Change (ICCC) to European soil this month,” said James M. Taylor, senior fellow for environment policy at The Heartland Institute. “It will mark the eighth ICCC, with events held on three continents. The scientific evidence grows stronger each day that we are not facing a global warming crisis, and I look forward to presenting another conference where the scientists themselves will explain the evidence.”

The Heartland Institute is a 28-year-old national nonprofit organization headquartered in Chicago, Illinois. Its mission is to discover, develop, and promote free-market solutions to social and economic problems. For more information, visit our Web site or call 312/377-4000.