The Illini chapter of the Association of
American Physicians and Surgeons,
The Heartland Institute &
Health Care News…
Invite you to a
For doctors and patients
“Take Control of Your Medical Care Through
Low-Cost, Tax-Free Consumer Driven Health Care”
Government Isn’t the Only Solution for Uninsured & Health Savings Accounts
Aren’t Just for the Rich
Thursday, May 13, 2004
Ogden Elementary School
24 West Walton Street, Chicago IL 60610
6:30 pm (Refreshments served)
Congressmen Phil Crane (R-IL) (Invited)
Destiny Health, Golden Rule Insurance
Are you uninsured? Premiums too high? Stuck in managed care?
Tired of your employer making your health care decisions?
Learn how to get AFFORDABLE medical coverage!
The Town Meeting will focus on Health Savings Accounts and the movement called Consumer-Driver Health Care (CDHC). This movement holds great promise for those who have previously been shut out of the medical insurance market due to costs –– the uninsured, minorities, low-income, part––time workers, self-employed, and younger people. It also gives patients control of their medical care and money, rather than employers or plans, at a very low cost.
HSAs were just passed in last year’s Medicare bill, and there is much confusion and misinformation about who is eligible. The simple answer is “everyone” but most people don’t know about them. We’ll clear up myths.
Doctors widely support CDHC and HSAs as well, as it puts medical decisions back in the hands of patients and doctors, rather than managed care bureaucrats. Several unions have endorsed HSAs for their members.
You’ll hear about:
- How patients can take advantage tax-free HSAs and save money for retirement at the same time,
- How to find a low-cost insurance plan,
- Patient education tools that help you make good decisions about insurance and treatments,
- Why CDHC reduces medical costs for everyone,
- How it strengthens privacy protections,
- What you can do about medical liability insurance crisis,
- How other tax reforms will empower consumers,
- How to talk to your doctor,
- How to decide if medical tests are necessary, and
- Ways to keep down the costs of prescription drugs while assuring safety.
AAPS is a non-partisan professional association of physicians in all specialties, dedicated
since 1943 to protection of the
patient-physician relationship from third-party intrusion.
Association of American Physicians & Surgeons
The Voice for Private Physicians Since 1943
800 635 1196