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Why the ‘War’ on College is Justified
Teresa Mull, Journal Star
American skepticism toward college isn’t unsettling, it’s completely justified and should serve as a wake-up call to colleges to change course.
HuffPost Attempts to Smear Heartland
Joseph Bast, Heartland.org
A recent HuffPost smear article based on a disgruntled former employee’s false allegations is making far-left headlines. Read the truth for yourself.
A Soaring Economy Serves Everyone
Peter Ferrara, The Observer
The stock market explosion in Trump’s first year has created $5.4 trillion in new wealth in America, more than the GDP of most countries in the world.
Two Minutes with Tim – Left’s Shameless Attacks on Ajit Pai – (Ep5)
Heartland Institute President Tim Huelskamp outlines the shameless attacks on FCC Chairman Ajit Pai and his family for ending government-directed Net Neutrality.
Join Us Jan. 25: Celebrate our Change of QBs at Heartland’s Pre-Super Bowl Party!
Heartland has a great game plan to achieve some big victories in 2018 with our new quarterback, Dr. Tim Huelskamp. Huddle with us Thursday evening to celebrate Heartland’s winning ways with Joe Bast at the helm, and many bright seasons ahead with Tim.
Podcast: Why NSCW Is Bigger than Ever
Host: Teresa Mull
Guest: Andrew Campanella
The president of National School Choice Week (NSCW), talks about why this year’s event is the biggest one yet.
Policy Wishes for the New Year
H. Sterling Burnett
Here’s a personal New Year’s resolution of environment and energy policy changes that would best serve the country. t
DeVos Aims at Previous DoEds
Teresa Mull, School Choice Weekly
Mississippi parents are eager for more school choice, and they’re letting their lawmakers know about it … just in time for National School Choice Week.
CCW: Trump’s Big First Year
H. Sterling Burnett, Climate Change Weekly
Elections have consequences. And in the energy and environmental policy areas, the consequences of the election of Donald Trump have been profound.
What Soaring Dow Means For Workers
Peter Ferrara, Investor’s Business Daily
Weeks after tax reform legislation was approved, we are seeing the broad benefits of economic growth for the middle class workers and the poor.
Podcast: Seattle’s Beverage Tax
Host: Jesse Hathaway
Guest: Jason Mercier
The director of the Center for Government Reform at Washington Policy Center, joins the show to talk about how Seattle’s sugar-sweetened beverage tax is leaving a bad taste in shoppers’ mouths.
Medicaid Reform Benefits the Poor
Justin Haskins, The Hill
Work requirements help to ensure only those who truly need assistance are enrolled in Medicaid, a program that is not currently fiscally sound.
Wildfires Are Normal, Not New
H. Sterling Burnett, Orange County Register
Gov. Jerry Brown (D-CA) has told numerous fibs about the harm fossil fuels are allegedly causing the environment.
Video: Can E-Cigarettes Save Lives?
In The Heartland Institute’s Flashes of Freedom series, Dr. Brad Rodu explains how e- cigarettes are helping reduce harm caused by tobacco use.