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‘Revenue-Neutral’ Carbon Tax Is a Lie
Jay Lehr and James Taylor
American Spectator
Global warming activists attempt to win over conservatives by claiming a carbon dioxide tax can be “revenue neutral.” These honeyed words are false.
Anti-Carbon Tax Resolution Passed
“It is useful to have a vote on a tax on carbon dioxide every few years so the American people can more easily identify those … who support this massive tax increase,” said Tim Huelskamp.
Support American Energy, Oppose Tax
H. Sterling Burnett
A carbon tax would do nothing to prevent global climate change, even if human carbon-dioxide emissions are a factor. We must oppose them to support American energy.
Time to Reject Tom Steyer
Host: H. Sterling Burnett
Guest: Daniel Turner
States themselves are better suited to protect human health and the environment than the EPA and hypocritical out of state billionaire Tom Steyer.
Freedom in the Age of Janus
Host: Jesse Hathaway
Guest: Michael Schaus
The executive director of National Employee Freedom Week talks about his efforts to educate workers about freedom from union coercion.
The Battle for Medicaid Work Reqs
Guest: Charlie Katebi
Host: Sarah Lee
Kentucky Gov. Matt Bevin’s efforts to add work requirements to Medicaid are headed to court under an Obama appointed judge.
Realists Are on the Right Side of Debate
Tim Huelskamp and H. Sterling Burnett
Daily Caller
There’s no need to change our entire energy structure to combat a naturally occurring phenomenon.
Trump’s Anti-Regulation Agenda
Thomas Hemphill
President Trump is keeping his campaign promise to reduce the federal regulatory burden on America’s manufacturers.
Warming Creates Media Lies
Jay Lehr and James Taylor
Washington Examiner
A misleading New York Times article overstates the impact of supposed global warming on Central America’s produce.
Will Unions Imitate Segregationists?
Robert Holland
American Spectator
The Supreme Court’s Janus ruling to end union intimidation of workers is bringing out the worst from the defeated Left.
Colorado Tries to Mimic California
CO State Sen Kevin Lundberg and Tim Benson
The Hill
Colorado Gov. John Hickenlooper tries to implement low emission vehicles for his state, which translate to an upper class handout.
A Conversation with Dr. Willie Soon
Read this fascinating interview between scientist Dr. Willie Soon and Gregoire Canlorbe, Vice President of The French Parti National-Liberal.