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Principal Turns $358,000 into $7.1 Million
Lennie Jarratt
Freedom Blog
How would you like to have the public pay you $7.1 million on an investment of only $358,000? This is the case for Audrey Haugan, retiring principal at Maine West High School.
Energy Socialism Kills
H. Sterling Burnett and Justin Haskins
American Thinker
Socialism kills. Energy socialism, as touted by socialist Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, a Democratic candidate for the House of Representatives in New York, would be just as deadly.
Gunning for Tax Reform 2.0
Jesse Hathaway
Washington Examiner
More than seven months after the enactment of the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act – the Republican tax reform bill – the benefits of reducing taxes for Americans and businesses are clearly visible.
Fossil Fuels – Good for People and the Environment
Host: H. Sterling Burnett
Guest: LA Attorney General Jeff Landry
Affordable, reliable energy is the cornerstone for human prosperity and the foundation of the U.S. economy. Fossil fuels are the best source of this energy.
Seizures, Warrants, and Police Tactics
Hosts: Lindsey Stroud and Chris Talgo
Guest: David Shestokas
How much power does the 4th Amendment grant the police? What did the founders envision when writing it? These questions answered in Constitutional Soundbites.
In The Tank: Ep. 155
Host: Donald Kendal and John Nothdurft
On this episode of In The Tank, hosts Donny and John discuss the social media wars on conservatives, the pension crisis, and CAFE standard changes.
Alarmists Get Two Strikes In Court
H. Sterling Burnett
Investor’s Business Daily
In the past two months environmental groups have tried to bring fossil fuel companies to court, failing both times. It is long past time to end this game of legal whack-a-mole.
Tim Benson on Choice MediaTV
Heartland Institute’s Policy Analyst Tim Benson is featured in Choice MediaTV’s “Story of the Day,” highlighting a teacher strike that delayed school for over 75,000 public school students.
Taxpayers Forced to Pay for Stadiums
Chris Talgo and Emma Kaden
American Spectator
Billionaire sports team owners are increasingly strong-arming local, city, and state governments into financing extravagant (and exorbitant) new stadiums.
A Panacea or a Death Sentence?
Greg Walcher
The environmental lobby has always viewed endangered listings themselves as the primary goal, because they lead to regulating mining, ranching, logging, and energy.
Protecting Lives With Fuel-Economy Change
H. Sterling Burnett
The Hill
The proposal by the EPA to freeze fuel-economy targets is good news for anyone concerned about consumer choice, vehicle affordability, and highway safety.
‘Skinny’ Insurance Fattens Wallets
Sarah Lee
Freedom Pub
Thanks in large part to the Trump administration’s new rule, the healthcare industry is developing “next generation” short-term insurance plans.