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Students in Feinstein’s Office Show GND Future
Robert Holland
Daily Caller
Education will inevitably become a huge player if the dream of a statist-controlled climate utopia within a mere decade becomes fully operational.
Facts Sanders Doesn’t Want You to Know
Justin Haskins
Fox News
Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT) announced his campaign for the Democrats’ presidential nomination, promoting unfettered socialism for the United States.
Elon Musk Burns Fossil Fuels While Saying Not To
Jay Lehr
American Spectator
The Washington Post recently reported green energy guru and Tesla CEO Elon Musk flew more than 150,000 miles (at company expense) in his corporate jet in 2018.
The Increase in Manufacturing in 2019
Host: Joe Barnett
Guest: Thomas Hemphill
Thomas A. Hemphill, Ph.D., joins the show to discuss the growth of the U.S. manufacturing sector over the past two years thanks to the Tax Cuts & Jobs Act.
Fossil Fuels Feed the World and Restore Wildlife
Host: H. Sterling Burnett
Guest: Dennis Avery
Agricultural researcher Dennis Avery says the development and use of fossil fuels made it possible to feed the world’s population; and without them, six billion people would starve.
Prescription Drug Prices—Generic Drugs Can Help
Host: AnneMarie Schieber
Guest: Chip Davis
When tempers flare over rising health care costs, prescription drug prices often come under attack. There is a solution, and one that is not new: generic drugs.
Cruz Education Bill Would Be a Real ‘New Deal’
Robert Holland
Daily Caller
It is refreshing to see Sen. Ted Cruz propose a federal income tax credit to help states advance Education Freedom Scholarships for families hoping to find the best educational opportunities for their children.
Feinstein Knows GND Is an Impossible Dream
Justin Haskins
Fox News
When you find yourself farther to the left than uber-liberal Sen. Dianne Feinstein, D-Calif., you know you’ve left common sense and reality far behind and entered Fantasy Land. That happened with the Green New Deal
Progressives Want Buffett’s Billions
Joe Barnett
Investor’s Business Daily
When Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, D-N.Y., proposed a 70 percent tax rate on personal income above $10 million per year, it was easy to see this was just the beginning of the calls to soak the rich.
Will Howard Schultz Serve a Liberty Latte?
Edward Hudgins
Inside Sources
Mayors in more than 100 US cities want to transition their electrical power systems to 100 percent renewable by 2050, ignoring affordable coal for unreliable solar and wind. Is your mayor smarter than a 5th grader?
Three Cheers for Sunday Liquor Sales
Lindsey Stroud
Duluth News Tribune
July 2019 will mark two years since Minnesota repealed its Prohibition-era ban on selling alcohol on Sundays. The state has generated more tax revenue with the advent of these regenerated Sunday sales.
On Aggregate Demand and Supply
Richard Ebeling
It has been more than 80 years since the beginning of the disastrous Keynesian revolution in economics with the publication of John Maynard Keynes’ The General Theory of Employment, Interest, and Money in 1936.