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Not Enough Billionaires For Socialist Plans
Justin Haskins
Fox News
If you total up all of the socialist programs proposed by the likes of Beto O’Rourke, Bernie Sanders, and Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, the total cost is more wealth than all the billionaires in the country.
Heartland President Talks Socialism on Fox
Tim Huelskamp
Fox & Friends First
Heartland President Tim Huelskamp appeared on the early morning broadcast of Fox & Friends First to discuss the looming threat of socialism from the front-running Democratic nominees for president.
Climate Change Is Not Reducing Global Fish Catch
James Taylor
Epoch Times
The fake news media recently published a barrage of stories claiming climate change is harming the global fish catch, yet objective data show just the opposite. Fishermen around the world continue to set new fish-catch records.
How to Keep Medicaid for the Needy
Host: AnneMarie Schieber
Guest: Naomi Lopez Bauman
The mission of Medicaid is to provide care for people who need it most. To ensure this, states can apply for waivers to make their programs fiscally sustainable.
Cataloguing 10 Years of Spending Records
Host: Joe Barnett
Guest: Jonathan Bydlak
Jonathan Bydlak, head of the Coalition to Reduce Spending and a policy advisor to The Heartland Institute, joins the show to discuss federal spending history.
In The Tank: Ep 183
Host: Donald Kendal
Guests: Justin Haskins, Issac Orr
Robert Bryce talks about Juice, his new movie about electricity. We also cover modern monetary theory, state nullification, and work by the Mises Institute and FEE.
Sanders Spells Disaster for America
Chris Talgo
Detroit News
From their earliest days, young students are taught by modern state curriculum standards to be cogs in the societal wheel rather than independent thinkers.
Climate Objectivity Comes to the White House
H. Sterling Burnett
Inside Sources
If media speculation is to be believed, President Trump will soon form a Presidential Commission on Climate Security (PCCS), and esteemed scientist Dr. William Happer would be a perfect candidate to run it.
Trout’s $426.5 Million Contract Makes Sense
Art Caden
Offering people such gargantuan contracts for playing a game while people do far more important things like educating and healing suggests a serious social sickness, right? Well, not so fast.
Environmental NGOs Hurt U.S. Industry
Richard Trzupek
Epoch Times
Here are five ways environmental non-governmental organizations (NGOs) hurt U.S. industry, and the men and women who depend on those factories for a paycheck and whose talents keep them running.
Progressives Ramp Up Attacks on Meat
Steve Goreham
The Heartland Institute
Meat consumption is under attack by progressive leaders. U.S. politicians and the United Nations call on all of us to eat more plant-based foods and less meat and dairy products in the name of saving the planet.
Hyping Climate Fears to Push Socialism
John Utley
The Heartland Institute
Green New Deal proponents now use global warming as their justification for central planning, long after the collapse of the Soviet model discredited the socialist dream. We should never embrace energy socialism.