Heartland Weekly: Kamala Harris’ Health Care Heresy

Published August 5, 2019

If you don’t visit Freedom Pub and the Heartlander digital magazine every day, you’re missing out on some of the best news and commentary on liberty and free markets you can find. But worry not, freedom lovers! Heartland Weekly is here for you every Monday with a highlight show. Subscribe to the email today, and read this week’s edition below.

Iceland’s Glacial Death Has Been Exaggerated
Anthony Watts
American Thinker
The media is abuzz over the first icy “casualty” of climate change: a small glacier in Iceland known as “OK.” As usual the story is full of misinformation.

Kamala Harris’ Health Care Heresy
Chris Talgo
The Hill
This week Sen. Kamala Harris (D-CA) released her long-awaited health care plan. Like most proposals from Harris, her plan is full of hyperbole and void of detail.

Making Maine’s Energy Woes Worse
H. Sterling Burnett
Politicians in Maine are bumbling over the state’s energy infrastructure by increasing costs in exchange for doing nothing more than limiting freedom of choice.

Bringing Obamacare Back to the Courts
Host: Sarah Lee
Guest: Ken Paxton
The Attorney General of Texas discusses the important constitutional challenge his office has brought against the Affordable Care Act, joining a lawsuit in neighboring state Louisiana.

The Rise and Fall of the CO2 Theory of AGW
Host: H. Sterling Burnett
Guest: Rex Fleming
A former National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration scientist explains why CO2 cannot be causing climate change, but the interaction between solar activity and cosmic rays do.

Hoaxes, Scams, and the Opioid Crisis
Host: AnneMarie Schieber
Guest: Marilyn Singleton
Hoaxes and scams have been dominating the news this year and the health care arena is no different. We examining what’s happening with this and the ongoing and serious opioid crisis.

Fake Science Threatens Our Freedoms
Mary Wishing
American Spectator
Our friends at the Spectator summarize the importance of the messages delivered at the 13th International Conference on Climate Change on July 25 in Washington, DC.

‘Watermelons’ Use Environment for Socialism
H. Sterling Burnett
Stopping Socialism
Green on the outside, red on the inside. “Watermelon” politicians are hiding their extreme socialist policies under the guise of environmentalism.

The Teachers Unions’ Spotty Progressivism
Larry Sand
California Policy Institute
When it comes to public charter schools and any meaningful education reform, the teachers unions are staunch in their opposition to change.

Estimating Bernie’s M4A Income Tax Hikes
Justin Haskins
Heartland Policy Brief
Although the total costs of Medicare for All (M4A) have been analyzed in detail, few have considered how it would affect U.S. taxpayers in specific income brackets.

Prescriptions Caused Opioid Addiction Crisis
Bonner Coher
Health Care News
A new report says the powerful painkillers that have brought relief to millions only to become a severe health problem of their own were overprescribed by doctors.

What the GND Could Cost a Typical Household
Daniel Turner and Kent Lassman
Heartland and CEI
There is a historical lesson here for any of us who would entrust our sustenance, security, and happiness to government. History teaches us that when governments go bad, they can really stink.

More Lands to Be Opened to Hunting, Fishing
Duggan Flanakin
Environment & Climate News
The U.S. Department of the Interior announced it is significantly revising rules for hunting and fishing on federal wildlife refuges across the nation.

Defending Climate Interests in Oregon
H. Sterling Burnett
Legislative Pulse
Senior Fellow H. Sterling Burnett interviews Oregon state Sen. Alan Olsen who was at the heart of the Republican walk out over forced cap-and-trade.

California Considers Giving Strikers Benefits
Owen Macaulay
Budget & Tax News
A proposed law would allow striking workers to collect unemployment benefits even though they have jobs at which they are not voluntarily working.