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Craziness on Campus: Angry White Male Studies
Justin Haskins
Fox News
The University of Kansas, a bastion of taxpayer-funded liberalism in an otherwise predominantly Republican and conservative state, will offer its students an oh-so progressive course titled “Angry White Male Studies” this upcoming fall.
Pre-Emptive War Will Solve Climate Change
Tim Benson
Daily Caller
According to Democratic rhetoric, the world will come to an end relatively soon if we do not stop climate change. The only option must then be to go to war with the heaviest polluters, namely China, Russia, and India.
Educrats vs. Students: The Showdown
Robert Holland
American Thinker
In hawking a proposal to use federal power to give public school teachers a hefty pay raise (more than $13,000) over the next four years, Kamala Harris is catering to a massive group of voters. Apparently, Harris is trying to buy delegates.
Golden Rice and Netflix Walrus Lies
Host: Jim Lakely
Guest: Patrick Moore
Patrick Moore, co-founder of Greenpeace, talks about the environmental left’s mindless opposition to Golden Rice, which will save the lives of millions of children. He also calls out Netflix’s lies about walrus deaths in a new show.
Is Social Security Safe from Medicare?
Host: AnneMarie Schieber
Guest: Robert Klein
Medicare and Social Security are two separate programs. Klein, a retirement advisor and policy advisor to The Heartland Institute, says retirees need to consider them together because Medicare costs can add up quickly.
Property Taxes & Housing Affordability
Host: Joe Barnett
Guest: Seth Giertz
Seth Giertz talks about past housing bubbles, cost-increasing regulations, mortgage lending, and the effect of the federal cap on state and local tax (SALT) deductions in the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act of 2017.
Don’t Let China Co-Opt Bitcoin
Steven Titch
Morning Consult
To reach its fullest potential as a tool for economic empowerment, cryptocurrency will need the traditional economic freedom of the United States, where the government incentivizes entrepreneurs to take risks while offering clear regulatory guidance.
Do You Have a Right to Repair? Yes and No
Jeffrey Tucker
There is a growing legislative movement – yes, elected politicians are always looking for something to do – to create and enforce a “right to repair” your stuff. It applies to cars and trucks but the newest candidate for inclusion concerns your electronic gadgets.
Public Schools Love Leftist Indoctrination
Robert Holland
One of the criticisms teachers unions level against private schools that accept voucher students is that in many cases they hire teachers who are not state-certified or licensed. That fact, however, is the greatest strength of schools not controlled by governments.
Heartland Reacts to Trump’s Pipeline EO
Tim Huelskamp, Anthony Watts, James Taylor, et. al.
Tim Huelskamp, Anthony Watts, and others react to President Donald Trump’s executive orders making it more difficult for state governments to block permits for pipelines and other energy-related infrastructure.
Offshore Exploration Promises Jobs
Derrick Hollie
Freedom Pub
Strong U.S. natural gas and oil production is revitalizing communities in state after state. It’s well-known that increased energy production has cut costs for families – at the pump and in-home utility bills.
Vaping Restrictions Hike Youth Smoking
Lindsey Stroud
Freedom Pub
Government restrictions on e-cigarettes to combat the “vaping epidemic” has inadvertently increased combustible tobacco cigarette use among youth. Such is the law of unintended consequences.