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Global Warming Skepticism Is Not Fraud
Joseph Bast, Breitbart
Heartland President Joseph Bast responds to a Yale law professor who says expressing skepticism about the Obama administration’s climate change position amounts to fraud and is not protected by the First Amendment. The fact that there is no scientific consensus on the causes and consequences of climate change completely debunks this position, and means alarmists who accuse their opponents of fraud ought to stand trial for libel. LEARN MORE
Forcing Unrealistic Hikes Endangers Drivers, Zaps the Economy
H. Sterling Burnett, Seattle Times
National fuel economy standards will require new vehicles to achieve 54.5 miles per gallon starting with the 2025 model year, endangering the safety of drivers and their passengers. To achieve the mileage standard, manufacturers must reduce the weight of vehicles and restrict consumer access to SUVs and trucks. Forcing people into lighter vehicles already has caused more deaths than the number of soldiers killed in the Vietnam War. LEARN MORE
Senate Democrats Threaten Climate Realists … and You
Jim Lakely, Somewhat Reasonable
Nineteen Democrats, led by Sen. Sheldon Whitehouse, took to the floor of the United States Senate this week to attack the free speech rights of individuals and organizations that disagree with the government dogma on the causes and consequences of global warming. Make no mistake: This is an abuse of power and an attempt to intimidate American citizens to keep quiet, and to send those who support them running scared. It will not work. LEARN MORE
Featured Podcast: In The Tank (ep46): #OurAmerica, Monopolies and Antitrust, and Sin Taxes
Director of Communications Jim Lakely joins New Media Specialist Donny Kendal and Government Relations Director John Nothdurft in this week’s episode of the In The Tank Podcast to talk about the #OurAmerica Campaign and American exceptionalism. They also take on a Center for American Progress study on reviving antitrust laws, pointing out where the report went wrong and suggesting real solutions to the perceived problems. Lastly, they discuss sin taxes, why they are unreliable and should be avoided. LISTEN TO MORE
Visit Heartland’s #OurAmerica page to find other memes to share and
ideas on how to promote our shared values
Early Bird Rates for Heartland’s 32nd Anniversary Benefit Dinner END SOON!
On Thursday, September 15, The Heartland Institute will celebrate its 32nd anniversary with a reception and dinner at The Cotillion, a fine banquet hall in Palatine, Illinois. Our keynote speaker will be political satirist and author P.J. O’Rourke, who will deliver an incisive and funny address about the 2016 election and the state of politics and culture in America today. Early bird rates end July 31 and seats will fill up fast, so don’t hesitate. Buy your tickets today! READ MORE
In Draft Platform, Democrats Bare Their Souls (and Teeth)
Tim Benson, Townhall
On June 25, 15 of progressivism’s greatest minds (and Cornel West), formally known as the Democratic Platform Drafting Committee, put their seal of approval on a document that will be presented at the party convention. It is a fantastic document, in the true sense of the word: fantasy. For instance, the committee unanimously agreed America should operate fossil-fuel-free in 34 years – about as realistic as planning to power the country entirely on pixie dust and unicorn flatulence. LEARN MORE
Massachusetts Is Latest State to Consider Single-Payer Health Care
Matthew Glans, Heartland Research & Commentary
As Massachusetts lawmakers continue to consider a statewide single-payer health care system, new research shows how improbable and expensive the plan would be. Bill Vernon, state director of the Massachusetts branch of the National Federation of Independent Business, explains the cost of health care will be guaranteed to rise under a single-payer system because demand naturally exceeds supply. This trend is seen all around the world as universal health care systems fail to provide needed care. LEARN MORE
Time to Stop Pretending Tests Equal School Accountability
Joy Pullmann, School Choice Weekly
Choice-oriented education reformers need to demonstrate why ceding all power to the technocrats is not just inefficient, but immoral and destructive of the real purpose of education. That real purpose, as our state constitutions and founding documents such as the Northwest Ordinance say openly, is securing to posterity the blessings of self-government. An American education ought to lead young men and women into mature discharge of their duties before God, family, and country. You’ll find no skills directly related to this on standardized tests because tests aren’t designed to measure this greater purpose. And that’s a major reason tests should no longer be allowed to drive American education. LEARN MORE
Bonus Podcast: Jay Lehr: The Alternative Energy and Shale Gas Encyclopedia
Are you looking for a comprehensive book that covers all major sources of energy, sorting out the myths and facts? Look no further. Heartland Science Director Jay Lehr joins the podcast to discuss the recently releasedAlternative Energy and Shale Gas Encyclopedia, of which he is editor. Lehr describes the shortcomings of wind and solar power and explains why the environmental left is so reluctant to embrace natural gas, hydro power, and nuclear power. LISTEN TO MORE
Cat Fight in North Carolina Over Health Care CON Law
Michael Hamilton, Consumer Power Report
A play called late in the game in the latest session of the North Carolina General Assembly presented lawmakers with a bizarre choice: adopt the bobcat as the official state cat, or adopt a vital health care reform proposal that would repeal the state’s certificate of need law (CON). Neither the bobcat designation nor repeal of the state’s CON law made it to the governor’s desk. Tar Heels likely will survive the first failure, but they will suffer under the second. LEARN MORE