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Swamp Swallowing Energy Reporting?
James Taylor
The Federalist
Energy, environment, and climate reporting at the usually solid Washington Examiner are increasingly taking on the left’s language and agenda, but not anymore.
Tom Steyer’s Energy Orders
The Wall Street Journal‘s Editorial Board
In a scathing takedown of progressive California billionaire Tom Steyer, the good folks at the Wall Street Journal use research from The Heartland Institute to prove their point.
Obama Takes Credit for Economy
Justin Haskins
Fox News
Former President Barack Obama continued to perpetuate the myth that his policies – not those of the Trump administration – are responsible for today’s booming economy.
Shrinking Insurance With Skinny Plans
Host: Sarah Lee
Guest: Chris Pope
Chris Pope, senior fellow at the Manhattan Institute about discusses short-term, limited duration health insurance plans and how some organizations are being forced to admit their benefit.
What the Florida Gov. Race Means
Host: Jesse Hathaway
Guest: Sal Nuzzo
Sal Nuzzo, vice president of policy with The James Madison Institute in Florida, discusses a new study analyzing the policy positions of Florida’s candidates for governor.
Lessons from the MA Charter Sector
Host: Lennie Jarratt
Guest: Dr. Cara Candal
Dr. Cara Candal explains how charter schools can close the achievement gap for low-income students using Massachusetts as an example.
Transparency for Health Care
Sarah Lee
Detroit News
It’s no secret Americans are worried about the rising costs of health care. Over the next decade, health care costs are projected to grow at an average rate of 5.5 percent per year.
Don’t Vote for Medicaid Expansion
Charlie Katebi
Washington Examiner
Over the past several months, pro-Obamacare advocates have successfully placed Medicaid expansion on the November ballot in Idaho, Montana, Nebraska, and Utah.
Help Kids Out of Dangerous Schools
Tim Benson
October is National Bullying Prevention Month. Let’s use this and every other month to help children out escape bullying through child safety accounts.
Celebrating the Light Bulb
Edward Hudins
American Spectator
On October 21, 1879 Thomas Edison ran an electric current through a carbonized filament of cotton thread suspended in a glass vacuum tube. It glowed for nearly 14 hours, into the next day.
Global Warming Out, Cooling In
Justin Haskins and H. Sterling Burnett
American Thinker
In a world riddled with climate-change doomsday predictions, a small but growing number of scientists are saying that Earth could soon face something even more dire: global cooling.
How Al Gore Built The AGW Fraud
Jay Lehr and Tom Harris
Climate Change Dispatch
Although his science is often seriously wrong, no one can deny that Al Gore has a flair for the dramatic. Yet his hyperbolic claims beg the question: How did this all start?