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The Greeen New Deal Would Create a Bird-pocalypse
Justin Haskins
Fox News
If the proposal were to become law, it would result in untold millions of birds being slaughtered by Democrats’ supposedly “environmentally friendly” green energy sources.
Trump Tapped the Right Man in Dr. Will Happer
H. Sterling Burnett
Epoch Times
Trump will soon form a Presidential Commission on Climate Security (PCCS) and award-winning physicist William Happer is the perfect person to run it.
Sanders Would Spell Disaster for America
Chris Talgo
Los Angeles Times
Despite the fact that Sanders is the current frontrunner, he would be a disastrous Democratic presidential nominee and possibly the best thing for Trump’s re-election.
Patrick Moore’s Big Green Week
Host: Jim Lakely
Guest: Patrick Moore, Ph.D.
Greenpeace co-founder and Heartland Policy Advisor Patrick Moore talks about getting Trump’s attention, fighting alarmists, supporting Happer, and mocking AOC
Explaining the Invest in Kids Act
Host: Lennie Jarratt
Guest: Alissa McCurley-Vogel
Learn what the Invest in Kids Act is, how it works, and the demographics of the students who received scholarships, hint, it’s not the well-off suburbanite.
Is Medicare for All Socialist?
Host: Sarah Lee
Guest: Lee Edwards, Ph.D.
Dr. Lee Edwards, a leading scholar on socialism at The Heritage Foundation, talks about Medicare For All and whether it has the markers of a socialist program.
Public Ed Littered With Socialist Indoctrination
Justin Haskins
Stopping Socialism
From their earliest days, young students are taught by modern state curriculum standards to be cogs in the societal wheel rather than independent thinkers.
GND Ignores the Wonders of Fossil Fuels
Jay Lehr and Tom Harris
America Out Loud
When you find yourself farther to the left than uber-liberal Sen. Dianne Feinstein, D-Calif., you know you’ve left common sense and reality far behind and entered Fantasy Land. That happened with the Green New Deal
Global Economy Desperately Needs Freedom
Richard Ebeling
Heartland Institute
How many bureaucrats are there in the world? While it varies very greatly from one country to another, a rough estimate is an astonishing 525 million.
Talking ‘Stopping Socialism’ on Glenn Beck
Justin Haskins
The Glenn Beck Program
In the second hour of the Glenn Beck Program (at the 44:50 mark), Heartland’s Justin Haskins discusses his book Socialism is Evil and the danger of collectivist ideology.
Stop the Anti-Climate Science Totalitarians
Paul Driessen
Heartland Institute
We need to tell Mr. Trump: Please stand up to these climate totalitarians who want to destroy our nation in the name of saving the planet from climate.
DC Wastes Too Much Time on Useless Bills
Seton Motley
Elected officials in Washington propose polarizing bills that have zero chance of becoming law – but look really good on stage to their respective bases.