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Alarmists Killed Own Conference in Chile
James Taylor
Epoch Times
Riots in Chile forced Chilean President Sebastian Pinera to announce on that his country could no longer host a United Nations climate conference scheduled for December.
Warren Health Care Plan is Devastating
Justin Haskins
Fox News
If you want to destroy America’s health care system and deprive Americans of both choice and timely access to medical care, Elizabeth Warren has a plan for that.
30 Years After Fall of Berlin Wall
Edward Hudgins
Epoch Times
On Nov. 9, 1989, the Berlin Wall finally fell as thousands of gleeful East Berliners celebrated their liberation from the giant communist prison camp.
Sam Houston & The Alamo Avengers
Hosts: Jim Lakely and Chris Talgo
Guest: Brian Kilmeade
Fox & Friends co-host and New York Times best-selling author Brian Kilmeade joins the Heartland Daily Podcast to discuss his new book, Sam Houston & The Alamo Avengers.
Exposing the False Climate Horror Stories
Hosts: Andy Singer and H. Sterling Burnett
Climate alarmists have been claiming we’ve been nearing the apocalypse for the last century. We look at, and laugh, at some of the most outlandish and apocalyptic claims yet.
Michigan’s Vaping Flavor Madness
Host: Lindsey Stroud
Guest: Marc Slis
Marc Slis, owner of Vapor 906, talks about the lawsuit he filed after Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer issued an executive order banning flavors in nicotine-containing e-cigarettes.
Witness to Public Schools Brainwashing
Chris Talgo
American Greatness
According to the Victims of Communism Memorial Foundation, today’s youth is quite fond of socialism despite it resulting in more than 100 million deaths in the past decade.
Trump Pulls Out of Paris Climate Accord
H. Sterling Burnett
Heartland Institute Press Release
President Trump this week officially began the year-long process to fully withdraw the United States from the Paris Climate Accord. Heartland’s Sterling Burnett welcomes the news.
Is it Climate Socialism – or Eco-fascism?
Paul Driessen
The Heartland Institute
Green New Dealers have convinced themselves that our planet faces an imminent climate cataclysm – which, of course, can only be prevented by endless government edicts.
Lead FDA Pick Offers Reform Opportunity
Barley Madden, Christina Herrin, Edward Hudgins
Heartland Institute Press Release
Dr. Stephen Hahn, a cancer specialist, is said to be Trump’s new nominee for Commissioner of the Food and Drug Administration. Heartland’s experts are cautiously optimistic.
‘Electrify Everything’ Policies Would Eliminate Gas
Steve Goreham
The Heartland Institute
Last year, natural gas usage grew faster than renewables in the United States. But advocates of green energy policies would eliminate gas for heating and cooking.
Would You Rather Save $10.46 or $500?
Jane Orient
The Heartland Institute
Elizabeth Warren and other Democrats have been promising universal healthcare, which will supposedly save more than the $30 trillion to $40 trillion it will cost.
Another Reason for California Shutdowns?
Rich Trzupek
Epoch Times
Should we believe just the “official” story, that Pacific Gas & Electric shut down substantial portions of its transmission system in northern California as a precautionary measure?
Climate Change and Montana: An Assessment
James Taylor and Anthony Watts
Policy Brief
The Montana Climate Assessment paints an overly alarmist and misleading picture of recent, current, and future climate changes in Big Sky Country.
Chile’s Revolt Against Climate Policies
H. Sterling Burnett
American Thinker
Add Chile to the growing list of countries whose governments are suffering a backlash as average people take to the streets to protest higher energy costs.