Kansas Judge Dismisses Teachers Union Lawsuit

Published June 9, 2015

A district court judge dismissed a legal challenge regarding teacher tenure from the Kansas National Education Association (KNEA), the state’s primary teachers union. The judge made the ruling on June 4.

The union objected to provisions passed in an education bill last spring, according to The Topeka Capital-Journal. The provisions attached to the bill, HB 2506, stripped teachers of some state-mandated tenure protections. KNEA sued last August, calling the provisions unconstitutional. The union argued tenure and school appropriations are unrelated, and therefore cannot be part of an appropriations bill per Kansas law.

The judge’s ruling stated although the bill in question contained appropriations, the court could not prove it was entirely an appropriations bills, since the bill also contained non-appropriations provisions.

Chris Neal ([email protected]) writes from New York, New York.

Image by Brian Turner.