Kudos for Excellent Comparison

Published December 14, 2010

Editor, Times-Dispatch:

Kudos to the Richmond Times-Dispatch for your editorial, “Health Care: Socialism,” comparing the Obama administration’s limits on health-insurer profits to the economic edicts of avowed socialist leaders around the world.

A great irony in this is the Obama administration’s recent crowing about profits at General Motors. GM recently sold billions of dollars of stock, a sale that many government officials declared a big success.

But then, the government went into the stock sale owning 61 percent of General Motors and remains a major shareholder. The federal government also owns a big share of Chrysler.

Does anyone expect our government, which owns big pieces of two of America’s three automakers, to call for limits on auto industry profits?

Steve Stanek,

Research Fellow, The Heartland Institute.
