“Leaving No Child Behind: Lessons from the Houston Independent School District” is a 42-page report on an October 2000 conference in Houston called “Making the Grade,” where education leaders and researchers came to analyze the Houston school district’s progress and scrutinize its success. The conference was organized by the Center for Reform of School Systems, which also published the report. The report, and a six-page executive summary, “How Urban School Systems Can Succeed,” is available by contacting the Center by email at [email protected], by telephone at 713/682-9888, or by mail at the Center for Reform of School Systems, 123 North Post Oak Lane #405, Houston, TX 77024.
Fighting to Save Our Urban Schools — and Winning! Lessons from Houston (Teachers College Press, 2000) is a book written by Don McAdams about the reform movement in the Houston schools that started in 1990 and continues today. The book is available through Amazon.com at http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/ASIN/0807738840/theheartlandinst.
Paul Hill has written about the Houston ISD in his paper “Digging Deeper,” published in the Fall 2001 issue of Education Next. The paper is available online at www.educationnext.org/20013/6hill.html.