LIVE-STREAM: 12/16 @ 6 pm CT – Heartland Briefing on COP-21 in Paris

Published December 15, 2015

The Heartland Institute just got back from Paris for COP-21, the “Conference of the Parties,” commonly known as the United Nations’ annual global climate conference. The world declared COP-21 a historic moment: The “Paris Agreement” will stop humanity from raising the global temperature by 2 degrees Celsius before the end of the 21st Century!

Balderdash! Hubris of the highest order. Not only does humanity not have the ability to put its collective hand on the global thermostat, humans are not causing a climate crisis.

Heartland’s contingent to Paris presented something unique and sorely needed: the only examination and explanation of the latest climate science, economics, and sensible global energy policy one could find in the city.

For committing that sin — heresy against what has become to many a sort of religion — Heartland was subjected to protests. We brought reason and science. The environmental extremists pasted all over Paris “WANTED” posters, accusing us of being “Climate Criminals.” Well, then. Bring it on!

Tune in to our live-stream at 6 pm CT on Wednesday, December 16 to learn all about our adventures in Paris, where we brought climate truth to a COP-21 that sorely needed it.

Watch in the player embedded below, or visit our YouTube stream of the event. Join us in the chat room, where you can pose your questions during the two-hour event. And don’t worry if you missed it, the event will automatically archive.

To get a full run-down of our activities in Paris for COP-21 — including all our presentations — visit Heartland’s COP-21 page.