Media Advisory: Texas Special Session Breathes New Life into Taxpayers’ Savings Grants

Published May 31, 2011

Tuesday afternoon, at the start of the special session of the Texas Legislature, state Rep. Sid Miller (R-Stephenville) introduced HB33 – a bill to help close the state’s $4 billion budget gap by giving parents vouchers to send their children to the private school of their choice. The plan has been endorsed by Gov. Rick Perry, Lt. Gov. David Dewhurst, and many Republicans.

If passed, Miller’s bill would create the first non-means-tested state-wide voucher program in the country. The Heartland Institute estimates about 350,000 kids would participate by the second year, compared to only 15,000 who could participate in the Indiana program just signed into law by Gov. Mitch Daniels.

Miller’s proposal – called Taxpayers’ Savings Grants – was originally attached as an amendment to a “must-pass” appropriations bill, but that appropriations bill died in the House last week.

Heartland has produced a video explaining how the Taxpayers’ Savings Grants program will save Texans billions and bring improvement to the public schools.

Please contact Jim Lakely, director of communications at The Heartland Institute, if you are interested in speaking with experts on the Taxpayers’ Savings Grants: [email protected] or 312/377-4000. Meanwhile, the following statements may be used for attribution: