The New Coalition at The Heartland Institute invites you to a special lunch program:
Monday, March 24, 2003, Noon Union League Club, 65 West Jackson Boulevard, Chicago, Illinois
William H. Mellor, President and General Counsel, Institute for Justice speaking on “The Government vs. The Entrepreneur: Making the Case for Freedom”
$25.00 New Coalition/Heartland Members; $30.00 for Nonmembers; $200.00 Table of Ten.
William H. Mellor, President and General Counsel, Institute for Justice litigates cutting-edge constitutional cases nationwide protecting economic liberty, property rights, and the First Amendment. He is credited with ending the funeral industry’s monopoly on casket sales in Tennessee, defending New Jersey’s welfare reform, and launching the Institute for Justice Clinic on Entrepreneurship at the University of Chicago and State Chapters in Arizona and North Carolina. Mr. Mellor’s views and writings have appeared in The Washington Post, The New York Times, The Wall Street Journal, Los Angeles Times, Chicago Tribune, National Law Journal, Reason, Investor’s Business Daily, and has appeared on the “CBS Evening News,”CNN, “Today,” and “Nightline.” The Wall Street Journal wrote of the Institute for Justice, “Meet the new civil rights activists. Their belief is that the right to earn a living from excessive regulation is guaranteed by the Constitution.” Learn more from Mr. Mellor on how government regulation is choking the life out of small businesses and what can be done to stop it at this very special luncheon.
For reservations call Latonya Harris, 312/377-4000.
For further information contact Greg Lackner, Heartland Public Affairs Director, 312/377-4000, 773/489-6447, or [email protected]