Americans are more or less satisfied with the state of the environment in the United States today, with 62 percent saying it is very or mainly satisfactory. By contrast, 62 percent believe that the government has done too little to address the environmental issues facing the country.
At the same time, the U.S. respondents do not believe economic growth should be favored over the protection of the environment. Approximately two-thirds (67 percent) believe that it is more important to protect the environment than to ensure economic growth.
Asked to indicate the biggest environmental threat to future generations not only in the United States, but in the world in general, the participants’ top three picks were: the loss of rainforests, species and wildlife (19 percent); pollution of drinking water (19 percent); and industrial pollution (18 percent). The other choices included nuclear energy accidents (12 percent), global warming (11 percent), holes in the ozone layer (9 percent), traffic pollution (8 percent), pollution from farming (2 percent) and “none” (1 percent).
Entitled “Millennium Survey,” the unprecedented study, one of the world’s largest public opinion surveys, recently polled over 50,000 participants in 60 countries about the same core issues addressed in the U.S. part of the study. The complete U.S. and Canada survey results as well as information about the other regions of the world in the study are available on the Internet at
TNS Intersearch, founded in 1960, is a full-service international survey firm with 400 full-time employees and is the seventh largest custom market research company in the U.S. The company is headquartered in Horsham, PA and has client service offices in major cities throughout the U.S. TNSI is the US headquarters of one of the world’s largest market research companies, Taylor Nelson Sofres, which was also ranked the fastest-growing market research company in the world, according to Inside Research, with more than 100 offices in over 35 countries.
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