NCLB Rewrite Passes in the Senate, Disappoints Some Education Advocates

Published July 16, 2015

The Every Child Achieves Act (ECAA) passed in the U.S. Senate with an 81 to 17 vote on July 16, but some education advocates expressed disappointment with this version of the No Child Left Behind (NCLB) rewrite, according to a report by

Joy Pullmann of the Heartland Institute, Lindsey Burke of the Heritage Foundation and retired University of Arkansas Professor Sandra Stotsky say the ECAA doesn’t do enough to correct the problems with NCLB. The ECAA does not truly restore local control, according to Burke and Pullmann.

Pullmann, senior fellow for Heartland, told politicians don’t feel safe reducing the federal role in education, even if they say they believe in doing so, and constituents need to speak up when they are ignored by their representatives on education issues such as this.

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Heather Kays ([email protected]) is a research fellow with The Heartland Institute and is managing editor of School Reform News.

Photo by Mike Licht.