Anti-Oil-and-Gas Initiatives Fail to Make Colorado’s November Ballot
Opinion -environment-climate-news -Colorado’s Secretary of State certified two citizens initiatives aimed at limiting oil and gas operations failed to garner enough legitimate signatures to qualify for November’s ballot. -
UCS: Anti-Science Advocacy Gone Wild
Opinion -environment-climate-news -The Union of Concerned Scientists (UCS) is not a professional scientific organization, instead it is pursues left-wing advocacy on technology, environmental, and energy issues—regardless of what the scientific data show. -
Agriculture Creating Valuable Wetlands Benefitting Wildlife
Opinion -environment-climate-news -Agriculture and other types of development are creating new wetlands, even in places where they may not have existed before, saving birds which otherwise might have disappeared. -
Constitutional Issues at Stake in Methane Lawsuits
Opinion -environment-climate-news -Constitutional scholars say states' lawsuits challenging EPA's new methane regulations are a form of interposition, defending citizens against federal overreach. -
Report: SolarCity/New York Government Alliance Puts Taxpayers at Risk
Opinion -environment-climate-news -New York State’s effort to bring jobs to Buffalo by luring solar-panel manufacturer SolarCity to the city could cost the state’s taxpayers nearly $1 billion, according to a new study. -
Democratic Platform Calls for End to Fossil Fuels, Prosecuting Climate Skeptics
Opinion -environment-climate-news -The energy and climate sections of the Democratic Party’s 2016 platform calls for a national mobilization to fight climate change and ending the use of fossil fuels. -
Study: Wisconsin’s Renewable-Energy Mandate Has High Costs, Provides Few Jobs
Opinion -environment-climate-news -A recent study by the MacIver Institute shows Wisconsin’s ambitious effort to get an increasing amount of its electricity from renewable-energy sources has led to greater power costs and has failed to create a significant number of jobs. -
Republicans Adopt Pro-Energy, Pro-Growth Party Platform
Opinion -environment-climate-news -The Republican Party Platform states Republicans would rescind various climate, energy, and natural resource regulations that are currently undermining the United States’ global competitiveness while producing little in the way of environmental benefits. -
Utah Land Bill Debate Continues
Opinion -environment-climate-news -Environmentalists are fighting the Utah Public Lands Initiative that would conserve 4.6 million acres of land, creating 11 new conservation areas and 41 wilderness areas while open up more than 1 million acre to development. -
California Insurance Commissioner Tells Insurers to Drop Coal Investments
Opinion -environment-climate-news -California Insurance Commissioner Dave Jones has called on all insurers doing business in the state to divest from their coal investments saying he will publicize the names of companies do not divest. -
Virgin Islands Attorney General Withdraws Subpoenas Against ExxonMobil, CEI
Opinion -environment-climate-news -Virgin Islands Attorney General Claude Walker withdrew his subpoena of documents belonging to ExxonMobil related to climate research conducted or promoted by it and outside organizatons. -
Legislative Pulse: Fighting Federal Expansion in North Dakota
Opinion -environment-climate-news -Two-term state Rep. Diane Larson (R-Bismarck) serves on the Agriculture and Judiciary Ccommittees and on the interim Agriculture and Natural Resources, and Judiciary Ccommittees. -
Saudi Arabia Loses on Texas, U.S. Oil Gamble
Opinion -environment-climate-news -Despite the slump in energy prices, oil and gas production in Texas and the United States has continued to rise, due largely to hydraulic fracturing efficiency improvements. -
FWS Removes Lesser Prairie Chicken from ESA
Opinion -environment-climate-news -Under a court order On July 20, 2016, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service officially delisted the lesser prairie chicken from the Endangered Species List. -
Obama Signs GMO-Label Bill into Law
Opinion -environment-climate-news -President Barack Obama signed into law Senate Bill 764, known as the Safe and Accurate Food Labeling Act, requiring food produced genetic modification to be labeled. -
California District Gives Lessons in Water Policy
Opinion -environment-climate-news -Goleta Water District in California has some of the highest water rates in the country yet its residents still face shortages while its administrators and lawyers prosper. -
New York Bails Out Nuclear Plants to Cut Carbon-Dioxide Emissions
Opinion -environment-climate-news -New York State’s Public Service Commission voted to adopt a “Clean Energy Standard,” which mandates the state get at least 50 percent of its electricity from renewable-energy sources and requires a 40 percent cut to greenhouse-gas by 2030. -
Study: Obama Administration Imposes $743 Billion in Regulatory Costs on the Economy
Opinion -environment-climate-news -President Obama has added a record number of major regulations, more than 600 major regulations imposing more than $743 billion upon the economy. -
Most Environmental Groups Oppose Washington State’s Carbon Tax Initiative
Opinion -environment-climate-news -Many environmental groups have come out against an initiative in Washington state that would impose the first carbon tax in the nation because it is revenue neutral. -
VA Invests in Failed Solar Projects, Veterans Linger on Wait List
Opinion -environment-climate-news -The Department of Veteran's Affairs Inspector General has found the VA wasted millions on solar panel installations that don't work. -
The Global War Against Fossil Fuels
Opinion -environment-climate-news -The global war against fossil fuels is a war against progress, prosperity, and the poor. No one has ever explained this better than Stephen Moore and Kathleen Hartnett White do in Fueling Freedom -
Utah Readies Lawsuits Against Feds
Opinion -environment-climate-news -Utah lawmakers have set aside $4.5 million to pay for a state lawsuit to gain control of 30 million acres of national forest and Bureau of Land Management-controlled acreage within its borders. -
DOE Imposes Efficiency Regulations on Wine Chillers
Opinion -environment-climate-news -The Department of Energy (DOE) has now developed an energy efficiency regulation specific to wine coolers. -
New York Nuclear Plant Restarts, Environmentalists Object
Opinion -environment-climate-news -On June 16, 2016, the Indian Point Unit 2 nuclear reactor restarted, despite objections from environmentalists.