I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again, even slight separation from government oversight, as is the case with charter schools, improves life for children, parents, and society:
Now a new study from Stanford University’s Center for Research on Educational Outcomes, or CREDO, has come out comparing how well all three types of schools are educating their students.
CREDO defined a charter management organization, or a CMO, as an organization that runs three or more schools and holds the charter contracts for the schools that they operate. Success Academy, KIPP, and Achievement First are a few well-known CMOs in New York.
Students in CMO-run schools improved in math so much that CREDO researchers estimate it was as if those students received an extra 97 days of schooling over their district school counterparts. For reading, the gains were equal to about an extra 46 days.
CMO students gained 63 more days of learning in math and 40 more days in reading compared to students in charter schools not affiliated with a management organization.
But when compared to their peers in traditional public schools, students in independent charter schools attained the equivalent of an extra 34 days in math and performed about the same in reading.
Don’t worry, teachers unions and the educational elite won’t let such evidence on the benefits of school choice sway their battle against offering families learning alternatives. See below:
SOURCE: EdWeek.org
- FLORIDA: A Florida district court overturns a ruling that would have enabled two new charter schools to open.
- LOS ANGELES: The Los Angeles Unified School Board withdraws a renewal petition for a high-performing charter school, LASchoolReport.com reports.
- MASSACHUSETTS: Kids in Massachusetts are forced to stay in failing schools because of a cap on the number of charter schools and complications surrounding the ruling.
Common Core and Curriculum Watch
- INDIANA: Despite having gotten of Common Core, Indiana is now using a Common Core-aligned test.
- SMARTER BALANCED: The Smarter Balanced Consortium is dwindling, Shane Vander Hart notes.
- DOE: The Trump administration names a Common Core foe – Mick Zais – as number two at the DOE.
- TRUANCY: New Mexico public schools are thinking of creative ways to combat habitual truancy.
- UNION: The American Federation of Teachers spent $44 million last year bribing and bullying politicians to do their will.
- ESSA: Congress is pointing fingers and casting blame over the execution of ESSA.
- MICHIGAN: Michigan schools bribe kids to get them to school on “Count Day” – which determines enrollment and funding.