As well as student academic improvement, the program’s effective serving of target families, and parental satisfaction, Dr. Kim K. Metcalf of Indiana University reported the following additional findings in his September 2 report on the Cleveland Scholarship and Tutoring Grant Program:
Extends Choice
The majority of children who participate are unlikely to have enrolled in a private school without a scholarship. Three-quarters of the applicants who didn’t get scholarships remained in public schools.
Parental Characteristics
Parents who apply for the scholarship program are more likely to be better educated, and more interested, motivated, and involved in their children’s education than parents who do not apply. However, there is some evidence that it is the receipt of the scholarship that affects parental involvement.
Public vs. Private Schools
There are substantial differences between public and private schools and classrooms. For example, public school teachers are more likely to have more teaching experience and to have done postgraduate coursework. Private schools tend to have smaller classes.
Participation Improves Perception
Participation in the scholarship program appears to substantially improve parents’ perceptions of and satisfaction with their children’s schools.