
  • Business and Academic Leaders Join Call for Regulatory Reform

    Published May 1, 1998
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    As prospects for regulatory reform in this session of Congress fade, a nonpartisan group of business and education leaders has called for a major overhaul of the way Congress writes regulatory legislation.
  • Study: Synthetic Chemicals Not Major Cause of Cancer

    Published May 1, 1998
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    Human exposure to carcinogenic pesticides is minuscule compared to the “background” exposure to carcinogens produced by nature, according to a new report from two of the nation’s leading cancer experts.
  • States Protest Environmental Justice Plan

    Published May 1, 1998
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    Top state environmental officials have formally urged EPA to rescind the environmental justice interim guidance.
  • Study Questions Proposed Superfund Exemption for Municipalities

    Published May 1, 1998
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    With Congress once again poised to miss an opportunity to overhaul the nation’s costly hazardous waste cleanup program, a Washington-based think tank contends that a key component of popular Superfund reform proposals is seriously flawed.
  • Reg Reform Bill Wins Endorsements

    Published May 1, 1998
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    The Regulatory Improvement Act of 1998 has been endorsed by the nation’s most prominent state and local government organizations, including the Council of State Governments, National Conference of State Legislatures, National Governors Association,
  • Special Report: Global Warming Benefits May Exceed Risks

    Published May 1, 1998
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    Pundits, politicians, and the press have argued that global warming will bring disaster to the world. Their dire predictions aside, there are many good reasons to believe that, if global warming occurs, we will like it.
  • McIntosh, Kucinich Introduce Small Business Paperwork Bill

    Published May 1, 1998
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    In an effort to slow the avalanche of federal paperwork they believe stifles productivity and job creation generated by America’s small businesses, Representatives David McIntosh (R-Indiana) and Dennis Kucinich (D-Ohio) introduced on March 3 bipartisan
  • Never Count a Regulator Out

    Published May 1, 1998
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    The Michigan Department of Natural Resources recently attempted to designate the Manistee River a Natural River.
  • Michigan Rivers Act Foreshadows Dangers of American Heritage Rivers

    Published May 1, 1998
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    Since 1970, Michigan residents have been living with what many fear is the prototype for the Clinton administration’s American Heritage Rivers Initiative (AHRI): the Michigan Natural Rivers Act.
  • Outsourcing Could Save $$ for Alabama Schools

    Published May 1, 1998
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    According to a recent study of Alabama schools, outsourcing noninstructional services provides an excellent opportunity to use existing revenue sources to increase funds for teaching.
  • Schools Urged to Apply Business Tools to Improve Performance

    Published May 1, 1998
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    While recognizing that schools are not businesses, and educating students is not the same as making widgets in factories or processing documents in offices, an education consultant contends that schools still can learn many valuable lessons from the
  • Credibility of Indiana U. Voucher Study Questioned

    Published May 1, 1998
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    Although a new evaluation of the Cleveland Scholarship and Tutoring Pilot Program shows that 94 out of 3,000 voucher students score no better than students in public schools, a researcher is questioning the credibility of the base test scores used by the
  • Thompson-Levin Regulatory Improvement Bill Wins Converts

    Published May 1, 1998
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    A strong bipartisan regulatory improvement bill is advancing in the U.S. Senate. According to one of its lead sponsors, Senator Fred Thompson (R-Tennessee), S.
  • The British Are Coming … and Bringing School Reform Lessons

    Published May 1, 1998
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    Although Americans rejected certain aspects of the British system of government more than two hundred years ago, it is still instructive to compare how the two countries view the appropriate role of government in areas of common interest.
  • Engineers Blast U.S. Education, Embrace Charter Schools

    Published May 1, 1998
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    The nation's education system, ill-prepared to equip today's students for the technology-oriented workplace of the twenty-first century, is in need of systemic reform, according to a special report in the April issue of the engineering trade journal IEEE
  • How to Achieve Success for School Choice

    Published May 1, 1998
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    Although many consider support from politicians to be key to the success of an education reform proposal, a prominent school choice advocate warns that politicians are only one element of a successful reform campaign.
  • Courts Spur Tax Revolts, Not Better Schools

    Published May 1, 1998
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    New Hampshire legislators are struggling to devise a response to last December's ruling from their Supreme Court, which found that the state's current method of funding public schools with local property taxes is unconstitutional and that the state has
  • Index of Leading Environmental Indicators Dispels Popular Myths

    Published May 1, 1998
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    Though the public continues to express a great deal of pessimism and anxiety about the environment, a recently completed wide-ranging analysis of environmental trends in the U.S. and Canada shows that such fears are misplaced.
  • The Index of Leading Environmental Indicators: Key Findings

    Published May 1, 1998
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    Air Quality Perception: Air quality is worsening as pollution levels rise and pose a serious threat to human health. Reality: Since 1980, there has been an overall improvement in air quality by more than 40 percent.
  • 15,000 Scientists Urge Congress to Reject Global Warming Treaty

    Published May 1, 1998
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    More than 15,000 basic and applied American scientists, two-thirds with advanced degrees, have signed a petition calling on the U.S. government to reject the global warming agreement negotiated last December in Kyoto.
  • Education Is Top Voter Concern in Arizona

    Published May 1, 1998
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    When nearly half of Arizona voters grade the state's K-12 public education as only "fair" or "poor," it's not surprising that schools/education is ranked as the most important issue for the governor and state legislature to address, according to a recent
  • EPA Environmental Justice Initiative Threatens Inner Cities

    Published May 1, 1998
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    “Across the nation, abandoned industrial properties are robbing communities and neighborhoods of the opportunity to share in the nation’s economic progress.
  • Lack of Choice Segregates Cities

    Published May 1, 1998
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    Lack of choice in schooling has helped segregate U.S.
  • Lessons from IBM, Xerox and Scouting

    Published May 1, 1998
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    The Student's Not the Problem. When several students don't "get" the lesson being taught by one of IBM's more than 7,000 teachers, the assumption is not that the student is the problem.

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