
  • Babbitt’s Credibility in Question After Exaggerated ESA Claims

    Published June 1, 1998
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    With his widely reported May 5 announcement that he was removing 33 species of flora and fauna from the endangered species list, Interior Secretary Bruce Babbitt no doubt hoped to defuse the raging controversy surrounding how the federal government
  • Can Property Rights Protect the Environment?

    Published June 1, 1998
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    What do depleted stocks of cod and haddock in the waters off Canada’s maritime provinces, and the environmental degradation clearly visible on U.S. federal lands, have in common?
  • Environmental Education Today: How to Teach Facts, Not Fear: an exclusive interview Jane Shaw

    Published June 1, 1998
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    Jane Shaw is a Senior Associate of PERC (the Political Economy Research Center) in Bozeman, Montana, a research and educational organization that explores market solutions to environmental problems.
  • Global Warming: Enjoy it While You Can

    Published June 1, 1998
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    Policymakers have been arguing for nearly a decade over what to do about global warming.
  • Ladies’ Home Journal Exposes Outcome-Based-Education

    Published June 1, 1998
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    "I put the blame squarely on Outcome-Based-Education and Cottage Grove High School. They robbed my daughter of her education.
  • Lawmakers Seek to Block Kyoto Treaty ‘Implementation Without Ratification’

    Published June 1, 1998
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    Concerned that the Clinton administration is moving ahead with plans to carry out the terms of the as-yet unratified Kyoto Protocol, opponents of the controversial global warming treaty are rallying behind new legislation designed to thwart “back door”
  • Opposition Mounts to EPA’s Environmental Justice Initiative

    Published June 1, 1998
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    Less than a year after it withstood a barrage of criticism and imposed controversial new air quality standards, the Environmental Protection Agency is embroiled in a new, potentially even more explosive, battle.
  • Secrecy May Prove the Undoing of American Heritage Rivers Initiative

    Published June 1, 1998
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    Congressman Helen Chenoweth (R-Idaho), concerned that the American Heritage Rivers Initiative (AHRI) will lead state and local governments to surrender their constitutional authority to 13 federal agencies, has been waging a personal battle against the
  • Study: New Environmental Initiatives Threaten to Undermine Electricity Deregulation

    Published June 1, 1998
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    Hopes that deregulation of the electric utility industry will lead to lower costs for consumers may never be realized, according to a study released May 27 by the Washington-based Edison Electric Institute (EEI).
  • What Can Parents Do?

    Published June 1, 1998
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    Ladies' Home Journal offers this advice to parents who may wonder if their children are learning the right things at school: Ask your child about school. If something seems strange, talk to the teacher--and the principal, if necessary.
  • More Services Outsourced by LA School District

    Published May 1, 1998
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    The Los Angeles Unified School District recently approved contracts totaling almost $5 million to two private companies to provide supplemental education services for students in the nation's second largest school district, which has 682,000 students,
  • Californians to Vote on Banning Bilingual Ed

    Published May 1, 1998
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    On June 2, voters in California will cast their ballots on Proposition 227, an initiative that would eliminate bilingual education programs in the state.
  • Court Battles Over Choice in Milwaukee and Vermont

    Published May 1, 1998
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    A legal challenge to the Milwaukee school voucher program prompted a 16-bus caravan of choice supporters to travel from Milwaukee to Madison on March 4 to gather for a large school choice rally on the steps of the Wisconsin State Capitol.
  • Class Size Reduction: Been There, Done That

    Published May 1, 1998
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    A very consistent picture emerges from a new and extensive investigation into research on the effects of class size on student performance: Little systematic gain in performance is achieved by reducing class size.
  • Reforming Education With School Choice

    Published May 1, 1998
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    "Education reform should begin with opening up opportunities for all families to send their children to the very best schools possible," declared James Mansour, CEO America’s national chairman, at a March 10 Congressional briefing on school choice in
  • Paycheck Protection against Union Deductions

    Published May 1, 1998
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    Polls show that voters strongly support California's Proposition 226, the "Paycheck Protection" initiative appearing on the ballot on June 2.
  • Crisis in Education Magazine Debuts

    Published May 1, 1998
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    In February, the Morley Institute published the premier issue of Crisis in Education, a new 60-page magazine edited by Robert Holland.
  • LA Mayor Welcomes Private Voucher Program

    Published May 1, 1998
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    Los Angeles Mayor Richard Riordan welcomed as a "worthy experiment" a $20 million private scholarship plan that would provide at least 5,000 of the city's 681,000 students with $1,000 vouchers annually for four years to attend the private or religious
  • A Strategy to Improve Student Achievement

    Published May 1, 1998
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    State legislatures and Congress could place an "indelible positive stamp on the Nation's future" if, instead of mandating specific approaches to school reform (such as reduced class sizes), they mandated research into how schools can be improved, argues
  • Opponents Fail to Dilute Minnesota Tax Credits

    Published May 1, 1998
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    The Minnesota legislature adjourned on April 9 without passing any of the three bills that threatened to dilute the state's new tax credit and expanded tax deduction for educational expenses.
  • “What’s Recess?”

    Published May 1, 1998
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    When the Cleveland Avenue grammar school was built two years ago, it had no playground. But none was necessary because the Atlanta public schools had eliminated recess as a time-waster. Students are now confined in school with no free time from 8 a.m.
  • Pennsylvania Teachers Union Attacks Local Choice Plan

    Published May 1, 1998
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    The Institute for Justice, a Washington, DC-based public interest law firm that is the nation's leading legal defender of school choice, announced on April 16 that it will defend the Southeast Delaware County school choice program against a court
  • 05/1998 School Choice Roundup

    Published May 1, 1998
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    California * Colorado * Connecticut Pennsylvania * Texas * Wisconsin CALIFORNIA Toy Teaches Phonics When Mike Wood's pre-school son had trouble sounding out letters seven years ago, Wood helped teach him to read by using phonics.
  • Unions Oppose Privatization

    Published May 1, 1998
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    Privatization and performance contracting are two of several “deleterious programs” identified by the National Education Association, which has a specific staff member available to call "for help in fighting privatization.

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