
  • Community-Based Schools: Educationally and Economically Essential

    Published May 1, 1997
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    African-American children in public schools are failing in record numbers, crippling their futures and limiting their careers. For some African-American parents, doing nothing about the problem was not an option.
  • Unions the Major Obstacle to Market-Oriented Reforms

    Published April 1, 1997
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    Those familiar with the school reform movement, and with this newspaper, are keenly aware of the key role--sometimes positive, more recently quite negative--that teacher unions have played in school reform debates nationwide.
  • Six Myths of School Finance Reform

    Published March 5, 1997
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    The Illinois General Assembly is debating whether and how to change the way the state finances its public schools.
  • Where High Expectations Are Met … And More

    Published March 1, 1997
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    Twenty-five years ago, Marva Collins left a public school teaching position to open her own school, in her own home.
  • PAVE-ing a Road to Parental Choice

    Published February 1, 1997
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    Michael Joyce is president of the Milwaukee-based Lynde and Harry Bradley Foundation. The Foundation is devoted to strengthening American democratic capitalism and the institutions, principles, and values which sustain and nurture it.
  • This Environmentalist Opposes More Strict Air Quality Standards

    Published January 29, 1997
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    The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has proposed lowering the National Ambient Air Quality Standards (NAAQS) for ozone from 0.12 parts per million (averaged over one hour) to 0.08 (averaged over eight hours).
  • Private Schools: Saving Illinois Taxpayers $2 Billion a Year

    Published January 6, 1997
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    Thank the Lord for the Illinois parents who send their children to parochial or private schools. By keeping their students out of tax-supported government schools, those parents save Illinois taxpayers over $2 billion a year.
  • Failing Schools Get New Leadership for Turnaround

    Published January 1, 1997
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    As President Clinton prepares to take the helm of the nation in Washington, D.C. for another four years, a retired three-star army general has taken control over the “deplorable” public schools in that city.
  • Minority Academic Progress Falters

    Published January 1, 1997
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    Reading scores for minority students are falling further behind those of white students, according to a report released in December by the Education Trust, a nonprofit group that monitors student performance.
  • Houston May Contract with Private Schools

    Published January 1, 1997
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    What’s a school superintendent to do when he has serious overcrowding, increasing enrollment, 84 school buildings in need of renovation, and taxpayers who just rejected a $390 million bond issue designed to address those problems?
  • Choice Advances in Pennsylvania

    Published January 1, 1997
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    On November 5, Pennsylvania voters improved the prospects for educational choice in the state by increasing the Republican majorities in both chambers of the state government.
  • Choice Students Score Better

    Published January 1, 1997
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    A new performance analysis of Milwaukee, Wisconsin’s school voucher program has found that low-income minority students do better with choice.
  • Whole Language Reading Instruction Faulted

    Published January 1, 1997
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    In a new report issued by the Oklahoma Council of Public Affairs, Dr. James J. Campbell, a Fulton, New York pediatrician, concludes that whole language reading instruction is responsible for a wide range of learning disorders.
  • Reformers, Make No Small Plans

    Published January 1, 1997
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    More than fifty books, three hundred articles, and dozens of awards and prizes for his scholarship have made Dr. Herbert J. Walberg an internationally recognized expert in the field of education. He is one of three U.S.
  • Funding Adequacy: Does Spending Matter?

    Published January 1, 1997
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    In its 1990 lawsuit against the State of Illinois, The Committee for Education Rights, a coalition of more than sixty school districts around the state, including the Chicago Public Schools, contended that the level of per-pupil spending in a school
  • Dramatic Drop in Illinois Reading Scores

    Published January 1, 1997
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    When confronted with an across-the-board decline in state reading scores among elementary and high school students in 1995, Illinois School Superintendent Joseph A.
  • Teachers Unions Defeat Washington Charter Proposal

    Published January 1, 1997
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    A proposal to create a charter school program in Washington State was defeated by a three-to-two margin on November 5, the victim of what its sponsors say was a campaign of lies and deception.
  • How the Private Sector Serves Children with Special Needs

    Published January 1, 1997
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    Students with disabilities. At-risk students. Adjudicated youth. These are students that challenge the capabilities of schools and parents alike.
  • Opinion Polls Show Support for School Choice

    Published January 1, 1997
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    A recent nationwide survey has found widespread public support for educational choice, confirming the findings of state-specific polls but contradicting two heavily publicized surveys conducted in early 1996.
  • Edison Project Schools Show Positive Test Results, Study Says

    Published January 1, 1997
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    Early data show positive test score results for four schools that began operating last fall as part of the Edison Project, an experiment with privately managed public schools.
  • National Test Scores Fall Again

    Published January 1, 1997
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    A new report on test scores designed to measure educational progress shows that the nation’s students lost ground between 1992 and 1994. Scores in reading and writing fell, while scores in math and science stayed about the same.
  • Educational Choice in the States

    Published January 1, 1997
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    Nationwide A nationwide poll conducted by the Gallup organization in August 1992 asked, “Do you want a voucher system to allow parents to send children to any school they want?” Seventy percent of respondents said “Yes.
  • Cleveland Plan Is Constitutional

    Published January 1, 1997
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    In 1996, six years after Milwaukee, Wisconsin implemented a school choice program that included private but not parochial schools, Cleveland, Ohio started the nation’s second major school choice program.
  • How Would You Respond?

    Published January 1, 1997
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    Opinion poll results are often largely determined by how the survey questions are worded. If a pollster asks, Do you think the government should help people in need?

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