NEA Rejects Competition
Opinion -Among the resolutions passed at the National Education Association’s annual convention in July were these: A-1. Public Education. -
U.S. Schools See Record Enrollments
Opinion -The number of children attending public and private schools in the U.S. this fall will increase by 800,000 to a record 52.2 million, according to the U.S. Department of Education. Overall enrollment is expected to peak at 54. -
Report Raises Concerns about Teacher Training
Opinion -You’d be alarmed to discover that your child’s pediatrician was really a geriatrics specialist with no training in childhood diseases. What if you learned that your child’s mathematics teacher had no undergraduate qualifications in mathematics? -
Parents’ Guide to Bilingual Education
Opinion -Because many foreign-born parents are unfamiliar with their rights as parents, they are often unaware that they can remove their children from bilingual programs if their children aren’t learning enough English. -
School Reform Vetoed in New Hampshire
Opinion -A far-reaching school reform bill, which passed both chambers of the New Hampshire legislature after what Republican State Senator James M. -
Why Teachers Leave Teaching
Opinion -Two key reasons for leaving the teaching profession were cited by public school teachers in the 1994-95 school year: retirement (27.4 percent) and pregnancy/child rearing (14.3 percent). -
Surface Coal Mining Reclamation Award Winners
Opinion -OSM Director’s Award Coteau Properties, Freedom Mine, Beulah, North Dakota Excellence in Surface Coal Mining Reclamation Award Buffalo Coal Company, Buffalo Mine, Davis, West Virginia Bellaire Corporation, Indian Head Mine, Beulah, North Dakota -
UN Climate Change Report Deeply Flawed, Scientist Says Bias, imprecision faulted
Opinion -As the Clinton administration moves forward with a massive public relations campaign to win support for a global warming treaty, a prominent scientist has thrown cold water on the UN-sponsored report that serves as the foundation for the White House's -
Saving the Planet Without Scaring Kids to Death
Opinion -A six-year-old girl gets a new bed, but she’s sad because “They killed trees to make my bed.” A five-year-old boy sees clouds obscure the moon and exclaims, “Look at the pollution! -
House Democrats Set to Move Forward on Bill Blocking New Ozone, PM Rules
Opinion -Two key House Democrats, eager to overturn EPA's new standards for particulate matter (PM) and ground-level ozone, told their Congressional colleagues last week they are prepared to move forward with legislation that would keep the agency's -
Agencies Overreach When Asked to Define Their Own Mission
Opinion -In September 1993, lawmakers at both ends of Pennsylvania Avenue approved the Government Performance and Results Act. -
10/1997 Parents’ Choice: Information for advocates of educational freedom
Opinion -Clinton Kills K-12 Education IRA In a surprising last-minute move, President Bill Clinton, who campaigned last year as the “education president,” killed an amendment to Congress’ bipartisan budget agreement that would have allowed parents to save up -
10/1997 School Choice Roundup
Opinion -Alaska * California * Illinois New York * Ohio * Pennsylvania * Texas ALASKA Governor Signs Home Schooling Law Home schooling parents in the Last Frontier State now have unprecedented freedom to teach any subject they consider appropriate -
10/1997: The Voucher Voice
Opinion -National Training Workshop Scheduled On October 28-30 in Bentonville, Arkansas, CEO America will present an information-packed workshop for persons interested in starting a privately funded voucher program. -
Administration Set to Crack Down on ‘Attempted Environmental Crimes’
Opinion -In a bid to broaden the scope of the Federal government's approach to environmental enforcement, President Clinton and some Members of Congress want to outlaw "attempted environmental crimes. -
CAFE Standards, Consumers Set for Head-On Collision
Opinion -As the Clinton administration's global warming team considers ways to reduce emissions of man-made greenhouse gases, federal regulators and environmental groups appear more than willing to lend a helping hand: They want to drive minivans and sport -
Energy Tax Resurfaces in Global Warming Debate
Opinion -Only weeks before a global warming treaty protocol is scheduled to be signed in Kyoto, Japan, it appears that the Clinton administration favors imposing new energy taxes on American consumers as a way to reduce U.S. emissions of greenhouse gases. -
EPA’s ‘Dirty Little Secrets’ on Clean Air Revealed
Opinion -With EPA's new standards for particulate matter (PM) and ground-level ozone still facing Congressional and legal challenges, the debate over how the agency developed and justified its latest regulatory initiative continues. -
Maine Families Challenge Exclusion of Religious Schools
Opinion -In a case that could set an important precedent for state education programs that discriminate against religious schools, the Washington, DC-based Institute for Justice has filed a lawsuit challenging the exclusion of religious schools from Maine’s -
New Poll Shows Increased Support for Vouchers
Opinion -Showing a sharp increase over last year, the idea of using tax money to send students to private and parochial schools is now favored by a majority of parents with children in public schools. -
Oregon Eliminates Tenure
Opinion -Lawmakers in the Beaver State toppled a pillar of union protectionism when they eliminated teacher tenure in a bill signed by Democratic Governor John A. Kitzhaber on August 15. -
Redbook Blasts Unions for Bad Teachers
Opinion -“Bad or incompetent teachers may be verbally or even physically abusive. They may not know the subject matter, or be unable to communicate it. They may be incapable of running an orderly class or may be lazy or burned out. -
Senate: Insist that the Science “Be There” on Global Warming
Opinion -Dr. S. Fred Singer is president of the Science and Environmental Policy Project in Fairfax, Virginia. -
Stop Funding Bureaucracy, Congress Told
Opinion -Members of Congress were recently reminded that U.S. taxpayers have spent more than $100 billion on Title I, special education, and bilingual programs that do not help and even harm some children.